Christian Media

Sadly, this film looks like the same formulaic faith-based junk as Facing Giants and Left Behind.

Its unfortunate that Christian media so frequently sacrifices quality for message.

They should just tell the story. Stop with the heavy-handed messages, stop with the clumsy morality tales.

Look at the Veggie Tales. Those are delightful, whatever your walk, because they're made with quality in mind. They don't pretend to get by on sales from Family Christian stores just because they offer Faith Based entertainment. Let's be honest - a few of the faith based movies that have come out recently made more than a few dollars on the "obligated christian" principle.

Christians are embarassing themselves with silly "Hallmark card" movies like this one, needlessly.

Just tell good stories. People are compelled by stories, not messages.


Um, I beg to differ. I recently heard a radio interviw with Christiano and he has a fully developed story line going here. He took his high school experiences to serve as the flashbacks. I look forward to this movie, it is a true love story. This isn't just another story about boy meets girl and they hook up, this is something worth seeing. Only three people know how it ends, so don't judge it before you see it. This movie has a professional cast unlike Facing the Giants which used all local actors and had a $100,000 or so budget, because it made by a church! It comes to no surprise that the quality is bad! Please, spare us your judgement before you see it.


Ya, the dude may not have seen the movie but his point still stands. A lot of the independently made Christian movies just aren't good. The dialogue is kinda crappy, acting sucks, and the story blows.

The Left Behind books weren't bad. They're light years ahead of other stuff in the genre because there's a decent story and it's plausible.

But, oh my God, if I see another movie where Gary Busey or Howie Mandel have some miraculous salvation experience in the back of a van I'm going to hang myself.

Movies are about abnormal experiences, yea, I get that. But the filmmakers have taken that and run with it. They forget that people in good movies are normal people who are changed by something. Shawshank Redemption and Groundhog's Day, two very good movies with unbelievable plots. Great acting, inspiring story, decent dialogue, and not once will you find Gary Busey or Howie Mandel...but there is a van in Groundhog's Day. Given the absence of Busey and Mandel I didn't see any reason to complain.

Point: most faith-based movies are garbage. Not because they're faith-based before you flame me. They just outright suck.


Yeah I'm pretty sure I haven't judged anything about this movie. I'm positing based on past experiences and what I've seen from the previews. This movie, it seems clear to me, is less interested in telling a love story than they are pushing a god-agenda.

Just like heavy-handed political films, if the message is more present than the story, you've failed as a story-teller.

The greatest religious film of the past decade was The Matrix. Great story, good action, awesome sub-text. Lots of room for interpretation.

As for the "professional" actors. They've done a series of tv bit parts and christian films. That makes them about as a professional as most porn actors.

This movie will be seen by a handful of believers who lack the discernment to see that not all that gospels is gold, and a handful of people tricked into agenda-driven media who thought they were just going to see a simple boy-meets-girl movie.

After that it'll either disappear, or become a punchline. I'm fine with either.


I have news for you: I just finished watching it, and NOTHING HAPPENS! He goes to see the old girlfriend, they talk a while, and he goes home. THAT'S IT. There's not even any kind of heavy-handed salvation thing. I see no reason why this movie even exists.


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I know this is five years later from your post, but this movie was bad. And sorry to say a TON of Christian movies are bad because they are so focused on the message they sacrifice the story. Sure this may have been based on Christiano's experience, but whatever it was - it led to a lousy movie.

There was no chemistry, the acting was no better than what you would see in an elementary school and the pacing was off. I mean real off.

"I'm going away."
(awkward pause)
(awkward pause)
(awkward pause)
"She's married! Don't go see her! Get right with Christ!"
(awkward pause)

Sorry, but it was a bad, bad movie.
