RIP Ruth Brown

Does anyone know if Ruth Brown actually filmed any of this movie, before her stroke in October? She passed away on Friday, 11/17/2006 here in Las Vegas, where she has lived and performed intermittently up until last spring.

I would love to know more about this movie.


No she did not make it to princplel photoraphy. She was however involved in the prerecords and there was filming on that event. We are all sad at her passing.


The movie will be a dedication to Ruth Brown...

I find, in being black, a thing of beauty: a joy; a strength; a secret cup of gladness. -Ossie Davis, Actor



My understanding is Miss Brown got at least one song recorded for the movie but fell ill before she could fly to Alabama and shoot her role. The movie was largely filmed here in my home county, where I write for the local paper.
I think the music is going to be fabulous...Keb Mo and Gary Clark Jr. dropped in our city's blues festival last month and they were amazing! Several local choir members also performed during a tent revival scene and I sat in while they practiced...very soulful and spirited.
They are performing a traditional gospel song from 1950 and an original composition by Mason Daring and John Sayles.
Maggie Renzi was a joy to work with and allowed me behind the scenes on a couple of occasions. Needless to say, we don't have these opportunities to see a film production up close. She and John make a great team.
Hope this helps.




A sad passing. I saw her perform a few times over the years and was at a few parties - one in her honor - and spoke to her a few times. A nice lady who put her ass on the line for a quite a few people over the years. Her book is worth a read.


I am a huge Ruth Brown fan and was lucky enough to speak with Miss Brown around the time of what may have been her last performance -- at the San Francisco Blues Festival in late September of 2006. She gave a strong, joyful performance as the second headliner (Little Richard topped the bill) and drove the crowd wild. Her presence greatly moved Little Richard too and he had a chair placed in the wings for her so she could have a front row seat for his set. He spoke to her from his piano bench between numbers as if it was just the two of them and had her join him for a duet. When I spoke to her she told me about Honeydripper and said she had just recorded five songs that would be used in the film. She was excited to be involved in the project and was looking forward to traveling to Alabama for the filming. But she fell ill before leaving the Las Vegas area and went on to join the Heavenly choir, leaving so many of us deeply saddened but forever grateful to have heard her sing and to have experienced the love that just poured from this remarkable woman. I hope those recordings will be released someday. I'm sure they are wonderful.


Ruth Brown's songs will be featured on the movie soundtrack. Dr. Mable John is playing the role orginally slated for Ms. Brown and does a fine job according to the reviewers. The film is premiering here in Greenville, Ala. on Feb. 2 Much of the movie was filmed here and I know several of the folks who had walk-on or speaking roles. One of the two little boys featured throughout the movie is the son of a high school classmate - Absalom Adams. The boy has star quality, I gotta tell you. I write for the local newspaper and what a joy it was to cover the making of this film. I loved meeting Maggie and John and getting to see the behind-the-scenes aspect of making a movie right here in little Butler County. And I sat in on the rehearsals of the choir that will be featured, plus had the pleasure of seeing Keb Mo and Garry Clark Jr perform at our Blues's going to be a fantastic soundtrack!
