Who is this actress?

I read an interesting review of this film:

http://www.courant.com/entertainment/movies/hc-honeydripperrev.artjan1 8,0,929545.story

which contained the following comment:

A tale is told of one female character — who, refreshingly, is plus-size, and very sexy — who drops hot grits in her man's lap and then beats him with the pan.
I'm just curious -- which of the film's actresses plays this role? Does anyone know?


Perhaps, Dr. MableJohn, who sings and acts (as Bertha Mae Spivey) in Honeydripper.

I find, in being black, a thing of beauty: a joy; a strength; a secret cup of gladness. -Ossie Davis, Actor


Actually, it's the character played by Devenia McFadden, who has a major crush on Maceo, played by Charles Dutton.
The movie was mostly filmed here in Butler County and has its Alabama premiere here Saturday night...can't wait!


Thanks for the information!

The movie also starts here in northern california tomorrow Friday Feb 1...

I find, in being black, a thing of beauty: a joy; a strength; a secret cup of gladness. - Ossie Davis, Actor
