MovieChat Forums > Honeydripper (2008) Discussion > Great film and history lesson

Great film and history lesson

We always "knew" that rock-n-roll was created in the mid-'50s, at Sun Studios in Memphis. I enjoyed learning the wider context of the story, how what we now call rock-n-roll was being played in the backwaters by black musicians, some time before.

Not only blacks. In the scene where the whiskey truck driver (Sayles) is bringing cases to the Honeydripper, I noticed that the song on the truck radio sounded like "Rock Around the Clock". In an interview with Sayles on the DVD extras, he mentioned how a Hank William's song was really an earlier version of that song. I was glad to hear that my instincts were right.

This was a very good film, great story (though the plot dynamics were a bit of a cliche), great acting, and an important lesson for anyone with any remote interest in the great music of the 20th century.


I agree.

I'm buying this and making sure my sons watch it, as well. They are really into hip hop and rap (in fact my son runs a successful hip hop label) ... but I always want them to know more about the sources of the music we love ... this movie conveys so much about that time.

A lovely movie. It saddens me to see it did so poorly in theatrical release. Hopefully it will find the audience it deserves on DVD.
