Another anachronism

HONEYDRIPPER is a brilliant film. Usually, a film this good makes back its investment. John Sayles is a true wizard to have crafted a film this amazing for five million. And for the stars on his cast list? Oh, my goodness!

Davenia McFadden and YaYa DeCosta reveal that they are both A list actresses. And Danny Glover - always good - is as strong a character as he was in his star turn in the definitive RAISIN IN THE SUN with Esther Rolle.

The black roadhouse music of the early fifties is a genre that has needed exploration for a long time. As a context for communication among pre-60s racism, another film is due.

Kudos all around for HONEYDRIPPER!

But one little anachronism reared its ugly head: The train had red lights on the back and no caboose.


Another railroad anachronism that is common in period movies: The box cars did not have catwalks atop their roofs, as all boxcars in the 1950s and earlier would have had. Catwalks were removed from boxcars beginning in the late '60s and early '70s, as a safety measure, and as newer boxcars were being built taller.

That very minor point aside, I really enjoyed this movie.
