Guitar sam

Does anyone know the name of the young actor who played Guitar Sam in the film, Honey Drippers?


In Honeydripper, Gary Clark Jr. plays SONNY BLAKE, a guitar hero who shakes things up in Alabama. SONNY, an unknown, is passed off as GUITAR SAM.


Wonder if the character was inspired by Charlie Christian; though Christian died in '42; likely some Chuck Berry in there too.


Charlie Christian?? Apart from playing electric guitar and being black, I don't see much similarity.

It's so lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.


He's based on Guitar Slim.


He's based on several different guitarists' profiles according to the commentary including Guitar Slim, Charlie Christian and Robert Johnson.


On the commentary voice over, they talked about the Bluesmen in the movie being compilations of similar musicians in real life. Like Keb Mo playing the blind itinerant guitar player. Some may say he was playing Blind Lemon Jefferson but the voice over talked about how almost every town in the area had their own blind Bluesman. So, he wasn't playing a specific one, just representing the character as a whole.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.
