
Why would we boycott him?


The thread-starter is probably referencing Danny Glover's bizzare inclination to play footsie with crazy South American dictator Hugo Chavez.

It does help to tell people why you want them to partake in the boycott.

No bucks, no Buck Rogers.


I'll bet my next pay check that Danny and Mel are still good friends. They're both nuts.



Do go see this the area it was filmed in could really use any help you'll could give it. I know this won't do much for them but at least other people may consider filming there. As far as Danny Glover I thought he was nice.


Run for cover, here comes the right-wing smear machine again. Rush Limprod and Fox Fake News must have given their marching orders.

Back to reality:

The Chicago Blues Festival featured a performance last weekend by the Honeydripper All-Stars who appear in the film - Gary Clark, Jr., Arthur Williams, Eddie Shaw, Mabel John and Henderson Huggins. Great set especially for a band who never really played together before this show. They are doing several other dates throughout the summer. Info at

It's really great that the director decided to use real working blues musicians in the film instead of hiring actors to fake the part. Looking forward to seeing it this summer!


Hugo Chavez is far from a dictator or a nut job. He is an elected president, unlike George W Bush. Also unlike Bush, he was a career military officer.

I'm just sayin'.


You can fight the power of the corporate machine till your last dying breath, but that doesnt mean your face wont end up on a t shirt sold at the gap


don't forget, he is also friends with castro.


Who cares who is friends with who, thats their business. Im sure everyone does something that other people dont like, does that mean they should stop it? Does that mean everyone should be like everyone else? *beep* that, thatd be pretty boring


And don't forget Donald Rumsfeld was friends with Saddam. At least as close as Hugo and Fidel.


I would walk 10 miles to see ANYTHING Danny Glover stars in!! He is one of the finest actors in the world. I also had the absolute pleasure of meeting this personable man in person, and he was wonderful to me. He was in a rush to attend a meeting where we were staying in the same hotel. I was so excited to meet him, and he did not disappoint. He is FABULOUS.

First you people were after Isaiah Washington, now Danny Glover! Why don't you go and try to ruin someone else's career. How about Adam Sandler or Patrick Dempsey?



Dude's crazy, that's why. he's an alright actor, but the actor and the person are two different things. in this case, that is true. dude's just crazy, that danny glover.


semiloaf, I trust John Sayles infinitely more than I trust you. (For all I know, you are a Rush Limbaugh-lovin' dittohead!)



Danny Glover has done nothing to me to boycott any movie he is in.

Where do these nut cases come from? how do they find their way to the message boards?

I find, in being black, a thing of beauty: a joy; a strength; a secret cup of gladness. Ossie Davis, Actor


Danny Glover is a great actor, one of my favorites. "Semibrain" how about you boycott yourself from posting.
