Trailer / Big Fish

Was anyone else strongly reminded of Tim Burton's Big Fish while watching the trailer for ...Father? Does anyone (perhaps someone who has seen both) know how close the films are to one another (thematically speaking)?


As I recall, Big Fish was a bit of fluffy fantasy in the adventure taken. Father is a true account of a life based in total fact and the memoirs of Blake Morrison (who is alive and well)from a diary he kept as his father was dying. As he did it brought back memories (painful and not) of his relationship with his dad and his reconciliation of both the past and the death.

Nothing in this film is made up or imagined. In Big Fish, it's really all about the dad's adventures. Father is not. It's about how the relationship got strained and why. No tall tales or anything.

My opinion, seeing both, I don't think they are very similar

I totally recommend reading the book.

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L O V E D Big Fish and read AWDYLSYF. Very different. AWD is dealing with a father's death and as well as his life. BF was about a man's life and the world of imagination he brought to everyday. Haven't seen AWD but both films potentially represent the very best of "father" films in my mind.


Yes, I was. I thought of Big Fish after reading the plot summary of WDYLSYF? There are differences but both dealt with the son's illusions of and conflicted feelings for his father.
