Nathan: Gay or Not?

So, was Nathan gay or not?

I kind of thought he was from the get-go because he seemed too fascinated with Sammy; uncomfortably nice and giving.

Then when Sammy was leaving, he asked [without asking] to basically have sex with him, and from the way things looked, they did.

But before this, he couldn't "get it up" to shoot his porn scene with the emo girl (can't remember her name), which makes you think he's gay.
But later on when he's at the club and the guy attempts to go down on him, he says he doesn't like guys.

He dressed kinda gay when he wasn't dressed in business clothes, yet he didn't act gay in his mannerisms or interests.

What the deuce? He wasn't gay, he wasn't straight. What is he? Asexual?! lol.



In the bathroom scene he was taken by surprise I guess or simply didn't like the guy .


There's a scene where Sammy gets sexual with Nathan. So, yes Nathan is gay.


he was gay..he didn't like the guy in the stall because the guy was being so aggresive and forcefull about it. It was all too much too fast. I get the feeling like he hadn't had much experience w/ men yet, which would explain why he was so desperate and nervous..but yes i could tell he was gay from the first scene he was in.. Not all gay men show the sterotypical mannerisms..Only the small percentage you notice.

"some movie quote"


Agree with @aicfan85. Indeed he is gay, but he does not like the guy in the stall because of his attitude, to forceful. It's the same with normal people, just because we're normal doesn't mean that we'll get turned on looking at the opposite sex. The same goes with gays and lesbians.

My Blog :


im sure you didn't mean it in a mean way...but 'normal' people?

"some movie quote"


Yea I was just about to say "normal" wtf too... I think he meant straight but anyway, I think Nathan is not gay or straight or bi... I think he grew up in a small town and because of this he is very bi curious perhaps. I think that is why he does the stuff with Sammy who is feminine and not this other guy. Just my thoughts...


Define Normal.

Why does someone always "have" to be gay? I thought his response to the emo girls questions pointed towards him being bi. He said he liked girls but then she asked him if he liked guys more. We didn't get a response. Sammy seemed a bit more bi-curious than specifically bi. But who knows. Sexuality really can't be defined.


I thought he didn't get it up in the porn scene, because
1. he was nervous
2. he had had wayyy to many shots.

I think he was rather curious and didn't know himself, if he was gay or straight or whatnot. Having had sex with the one guy and then being forced to 69er with the other in the bathroom could have been enough to satisfy his curiousity and it is possible, he would change back to girls after that experience. He simply was undecided in nearly everything, because he didn't know where his life should lead to - job, city, secual direction, he was undecided about all of it.


Wow. First of all, there's no such thing as "undecided." There isn't a decsion to be made. In Nathan's case, he simply wasn't ready to accept nor explore his sexuality fully. He is a young guy who hadn't had a lot of experience and was unsure of himself in just about every aspect of his life, including sexually. It stands to reason that there'd be some hesitation, insecurity and even fear on his part when it came to sexual matters.

Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it!


I would imagine that (just as with straight people) gay men are not attracted to every man they meet.


He was most likely bisexual. And I think he didn't know which way he swung. Also, if the poor kid didn't want any from Sally he must be gay. Because she was heaven.
