
...i do enjoy a good crime thriller but only if it is portrayed correctly.yes,i am a serious crime buff.i also,just recently been enjoying danish films.although full of faults "nightwatch" is an enjoyable watch with its own attraction.the Fritt vilt series is excellent,again though,with niggling faults.
having watched the first nine episodes of the killing i have come to the conclusion it is a long,drawn out opera,soap affair.yes,it has annoying faults with it that seems to test the viewers I.Q.the political angle does not fit in as far as i am concerned.i am now watching it solely because of the sexy,perfect,wonderful Sofie Gråbø my calculations,if i had met & married her twenty years ago,i would be a very happy man now.
& Marie Askehave would make a fine mistress,on the side.:P


i do not claim to be able to write better than the people who written this story but each individual character must display their own personality.earlier on in the show there was mention of criminal profiling,which is possible because characters act differently.
so why was Sarah called to one side & explained how things are twice by two different characters.i could not understand the first time it happened as there was two detectives working on the case,but the second time?
why do the witnesses persist on talking for ages whilst avoiding the question.this has happened three times to my knowledge.they are not guilty in any way,they just have answers.
either it is because the writer(S) of the script are that shallow,they do not realize that people act differently or (very possibly) they trying to cream as many episodes & as much money out of this series.considering how terrible it has been written it annoys the hell out of me that there is an audience for badly written scripts.


just watching episode 13 of series 1 & it is all change.
the male detective in earlier episodes seemed to display a strong,possessive force has taken a back seat these last few episodes.
the grieving parents,the husband seemed to display a revenge personality where the wife acted docile,now the wife is displaying revenge where as the husband is being docile.
now,17 minutes into the episode the inspector if the police force want to make an arrest on the politician where as Sarah seems more concerned on what the press will say.


things that are repeated by different characters:

"Is that all?"
"Are you sure?"
accused,"Yes!I am sure!"

after questioned by the police about bloodstains,false alibis & questionable statements the police will ask a simple question to which the accused will respond...
"Yes!Is that illegal?"


Twenty episodes, covering twenty days of one murder is a hard act to pull off. THis production fits into the category of shows such as "24" and "Lost" which manipulate the audience, ensuring that each episode ends with a tantalising cliff-hanger. To enjoy such shows, one has to suspend belief and go with them. For me, the weakest part of "The Killing" is its political thread. However, I choose to just go with it and am rewarded with 20 hours of the finest entertainment I have ever experienced on a t.v. screen.

Where "The Killing" differs from its American counterparts is in the script, acting and characterisation, all of which fly in the face of convention. A good example would be the way that Sarah Lund deals with those around her and the way that they in turn adjust their perceptions. In any other show, she would be screaming at her partner who would become increasingly stupid and unsympathetic. Instead, she blanks him and he shows that inwardly he respects her superior intelligence and professionalism. In turn, he elicits more sympathy from the viewer.

The fact that this show is so different will ensure that there will be many for whom it is a turn-off. They will, instead go to shows that are more to their liking. However, the cult success that this has become shows that there is an audience out there, who like an interesting thriller that can be thought provoking as well as entertaining.


thanks for your was an enjoyable work of fiction,& i am glad you got 20 hours of fine entertainment.but i prefer the more realistic type of thing which is hard to find on television or the movies now days.
i would like to believe that i could have taken the plot to "the killing" & made it more realistic,but the fact is it was written for entertainment purposes & nothing more.i would not be able to do anything with it given it serious thought.


Loved this show but can you explain what the guy who hung himself had to do with it?


He didn't hang himself. He was the taxi driver who told the killer Nanna was at the flat and so he knew too much and had to be silenced.


Thanks for that,i knew the suicide was doughtful just was`nt sure if he had anything to do with the politicians.


I am sorry but if fervert had nothing to do with it why the bloody hell was he running away like that? The idiot, and then he hanged himself. The stupid top tier police just jump to any dumb conclusion they want as if they were a bunch of rednecks with no police experience.

And why does Sarah Lund have to be taken off the case once every two episodes on average??

Zillions of other questions, and Why The F did the killer go to that same spot???????

C'mon, the Wire's not that good...


He was running away because he was a suspect in the shooting of Meyer. Remember, there was no forensic evidence against Vagn and he had an alibi. The police made an initial judgement that he hung himself. Further forensic tests revealed he had suffered a blow from a shotgun.

Lund was repeatedly taken off the case because her bosses were protecting big wigs at the Town Hall. That is why evidence kept going missing.

As to the killer going to the same point, didn't you know criminals always return to the scene of the crime? In this case, Vagn knew the game was up and wanted Theis to know where and how the crime happened and also the opportunity and privacy to take his life.


It was made pretty clear between Vagn and Leon Frevert that the former had some sort of hold over him. For example in ep 17, Vagn says to Frevert after he had been interviewed by the police "Did you grass"? He also says at the end of that ep, "Theis helped you out when you were in trouble, Now you can help us out." Clearly Leon kmew that Vagn had killed Nanna and Mette and was scared of him. He even says to Lund referring indirectly about Vagn whilst fleeing in his car, "You have no idea". That could only mean one thing.

The top tier police had been obstructing the case for Lund since she started to investigate City Hall. We know that Rie asked the police to stop Lund investigating there was police corruption involved. Brix took her off the case partly because of orders from above, but also he suspected she was becoming irrational He didn't believe her theory that there was another body in the canal. He was wrong of course. In ep 20, he finally decided to back her hunches against the will of the chief prosecutor.
