MovieChat Forums > Forbrydelsen (2021) Discussion > Couple of questions about the killer ***...

Couple of questions about the killer ***spoilers***

1. Are we meant to infer that Vagn was also responsible for killing the drug dealer 20 years before (which everyone seem to think Theis did). At one point Pernille asks Vagn if Theis killed the man, and he replies "Theis didn't kill anybody" -- leaving the implication, at least in retrospect, that perhaps *he* had done so himself.

2. What's the sequence of events between Nanna getting out of Leon's taxi near Hartmann's party's flat and getting captured by Vagn? In his final confession Vagn says Leon phoned the office to say he had given a ride to Nanna (btw, do we ever know whether Nanna recognized him as someone who worked for her dad?), yet he didn't know precisely where she was going, or anything about the flat. Yet somehow Vagn manages to locate the flat, communicate with Nanna that he is there, and persuade or force her to let him in. How the hell did that all happen?


In answer to the first point, we never know whether Theis killed the drug dealer. Vagn may have lied to Pernille to put her mind at rest. We know that when Theis was in the hostel he told the warden that he had done some pretty terrible things when he was younger. It's left to the viewer to make up their own mind.

With the second point, we know Vagn had been stalking NBL so it's possible that this had gone on for some considerable time and therefore he was aware of the flat used by NBL when she was dating Holke. Leon knew about NBL's eloping plans which was why he tried to warn her parents but instead got diverted to Vagn. So she must have told Leon , and he must have unwittingly told Vagn where he was dropping her off. It's fairly obvious that NBL knew Leon because he worked P/T for the Birk Larsens.


Another question:

I may have remembered this incorrectly, but when they recovered and examined Nanna's body, the police seemed to imply that the killer had bathed her and cut her nails after she was murdered.

But then it was revealed she died by drowning after the killer had rolled the car into the canal.

Is it mean to indicate that Vagn loved her (in his own twisted way), enough to clean her and give her a manicured after beating and raping her? Or maybe to remove and DNA evidence which could incriminate him?


The second one. He cleaned her to remove the imprints and all the traces. That is why the police could not find any evidence(DNA,sperm traces, imprints, etc.) except Nanna's.


Thanks for your replies bendipa. You say "we know Vagn had been stalking NBL", but that must have passed me by. When did we discover that?


I think it's at the end of ep 16, when Sarah and Meyer find Amir st the canal bridge. They ask him about his elopement plans with NBL, and whether anyone else knew. At first Amir says nobody knew, but then adds that while they were at the train station he thought he spotted a man on the other side of the road, dressed in a red uniform, like that of the Birk Larsen company, who appeared to be standing around watching them.

Therefore it's fair to assume that Vagn had been stalking them. And since Vagn knew about Troel's flat then he must have been stalking NBL for some time.


I think it's safe to say that there were a few loose ends in The Killing. Having said that, I became quite addicted to watching it. But I found The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was much better paced, and with a far spookier atmosphere. I know it was a movie and not a TV series, but...



They actually were made as TV-series. The theatrical versions (which were shown long before they aired on TV) were edited down for obvious reasons, but you should be able find the 3-hour version of each book adaption.

