Danny and Carter

I loved this movie and seeing the relationship between these two. They could joke and make each other laugh and then have the most awkward, and later on tender moments together.
I love to watch this movie and cry into a pillow during almost every one of their scenes together. The Trevor Hall music in the background was a nice touch because it makes me feel like they're truly in love and happy to be around each other.
I think the saddest part about this movie is that the relationship was never really resolved. Carter never reciprocated or denied his feelings for Danny, he just tried to convince Danny that Danny wasn't in love with him. And throughout the movie it is made clear how little Danny really knows Carter, and by the end of the film he never will. He had a few precious moments with his first love and it was gone before he even knew it, leaving a lifetime of not knowing what could have been. It seems like he realizes this when he's in Carter's room after the funeral.

Just my thoughts/opinions.
