
This is the most contrived piece of crap I have seen in a long time. The speak what's his face does during the step contest, about on dissing and what not, is painful to watch.

And in the end, the message is, violence will solve your problems with no repercussions.


"And in the end, the message is, violence will solve your problems with no repercussions."

Great, you had to go and ruin it for all of us that were looking forward to seeing this movie! \s


"Aunt Carla finally got her freak on"

LOL no matter how contrived the film was, this statement got me ROTFLOL, haha

Stop Pollution.


The dialogue is hilariously bad - it's so contrived, there should be a new word for how contrived it is. The Uncle Phil character, Professor Exposition, just keeps going "wow, here are black kids doing something positive. Wow, this is so great" in this deadpan voice - I watched this for half an hour thinking it was a parody and not a serious movie!
