MovieChat Forums > Night Junkies Discussion > does anyone think that...

does anyone think that...

one of the songs in the movie sounded oddly like the theme to Halloween??


Most definitely - it plays through the menu screen I believe - or maybe it was throughout the movie--- did ya like the flick though? i did


no, it was not just badly directed and written, it was really badly directed and written. And the plot was thin. And the film had nothing to say. Nothing new. Nothing interesting. Nothing compelling.

Some parts were unintentionally funny. Like the terrible music. And the guy gavotting around with daggers in his shoes.


The movie was tolerable - barely. And yes - at about 1 hour and 6 minutes (or so) the "Halloween" theme is clearly being ripped-off. Also - there are numerous instances of Dark Sanctuary's "De Lumiere Et D'Obscurite" being used throughout the film. I know the entire production was probably brought in on a shoestring, but stealing the work of others is bad form!

Al: Who wouldn't be tense? This music could make Will Rogers punch a nun.
