any more details like Plot etc?

all the info i have found on this has been in hungarian and i loved the original film so really looking foward to this can anyone share any more info on it?


They started working on the sequel late 2005.
next summer seems to be the cinema release date. Not much from the plot is revealed, only few things so far:

It starts after the release of crazy robotic dog "cathunter". It was a true genocide, only a few cats remained, hiding in the dark. I've heard something about a summoned evil cat from ancient times, which should lead the remaining cats in fights against mice. I've also read something about huge fights among mice, seems like it will be a chaotic and action paced sequel.

Directing, writing, dubbing and drawing will be made by the original crew! They decided to use the same old (but proven:)) animation technique as on the 20 years old original.

thats all I know



"Rage Against The Machine RULES!!!"- movielova1



Correction to Mizantropia's infos :

The CatCatcher doesn't hurt the cats, only "pacificates" them, eradicating any form of violnence in them.
However, after twenty years, some wildcats -who live deep in the jungle of Pafrica, and have not been "pacificated"- decide to turn the table against the mice.
Since there mice are the absolute rulers of planet X at present times, the wildcats decide to get some supernatural aid.
And that's where Stanley, a travelling reporter of the 'Mouse World Magazine', -who searches for a lost explorer, Livingstone in Pafrica- enters the plot...

The writing, directing, character design artists are the same as by the first episode, but regarding the technical background, there have been some major changes. This will be the first Hungarian animation ever to use the HD format.
The Ink&painting and some modelling are now done on computer, but the crew tries to avoid falling into the trap of over-modernizing the second episode, and tries to deliver a worthy sequel.

-And they're doing a really good job, I might add-


thats a whole lot of new info! thanks. you must be some insider:)


Yah, you could say that :)


Thanks for all the info its probably one of the films im most excited about this year although i doubt we will get to see it in english speaking countries for at least another year yet but i think its gonna be a goodun


Could anyone give me a link to the leaked photos?


Don't expect too much or you'll be disappointed. Like 99% of my friends. Or myself.
