MovieChat Forums > 10 Items or Less (2006) Discussion > The problem with this show

The problem with this show

I think the problem with this show is there is no "normal" character to relate to. It has been compared to the office, but one of the reasons the office is so good is because of Jim and our ability to relate to him. Everyone here is just to over the top.


Wow, I am watching it now and was honestly just thinking that. The script is clever and its delivery is good, and all in all it is a good show, but I feel like I need SOME kind of normalcy to relate to and to ground me a bit. I don't know if it makes much sense, but as stated above, Jim is definitely that person on the office and is one of the reasons it works so greatly.


There is no script. The whole show is improvised (per John Lehr on an iVillage interview, not sure of the date though...I just saw the interview today but I think it was a rerun because they mentioned something about the new season beginning in January?).

Anyway that interview is what prompted me to check out the imdb message boards for this show, because it SEEMS really unique:
1) They shoot the show in an ACTUAL OPERATING grocery store, DURING store hours, so a lot of the customers you see are actual store customers.
2) Their episode where the store gets held up by a robber was inspired by the fact that the store that they film in actually WAS held up during filming.
3) The entire show is improvised. There is no script, just a brief outline, which apparently only John Lehr sees, so I guess all of the actors have to basically respond to however he sets up the scene.

So, I find that kind of compelling but am not sure if that actually makes it funny. Is it worth it?

Keep in mind I LOVED the show Sons & Daughters during its oh-so-brief run; it was a mix of script and improv and I thought it was hilarious. Just to give an indication of my taste. And, yes, I love The Office too; you definitely need the Jim's and Pam's to have someone to relate to...


If you relate to Jim and Pam, ur really aiming for the middle.


Buck is pretty normal, if you ask me.

