MovieChat Forums > 10 Items or Less (2006) Discussion > i thought it would be bad but i was wron...

i thought it would be bad but i was wrong

at first i thought, 'this is probably going to be lame, most comedies really aren't comedic these days'. but then i started watching it and i thought it was genuinely funny. i hope others agree with me. give this show a chance!

This is heavy, Doc.


I also like this show, and I'm a little confused as to why some people have such a hatred of it. Seems like some people dislike anything that's a little new and different from what they're typically used to seeing on television.

I have a lot of respect for the creators of this show, and how they want to present something that's a little different. I know some compare this to the show The Office, but since I've never seen that show, I really can't comment on that. All I can say is that I find this to be a very funny show, and I wish that more shows were like this. I like the fact that this show allows viewers to decide what they think is funny rather than putting a laugh track in.

So far, I think my favorite characters are Yolanda and Carl.


so what do you do for the show, Becca? are you a writer, did you create it, are you the blonde girl in the show?


i agree, i was skeptical to start but now I absolutely love this show. The characters are solid and i'm attached to the show already.


When it first showed up on TBS a while back it was like the worst show I'd ever seen. Then it was cancelled.
But then I saw it on recently and it was really funny. My guess is that after cancelling it, they brought in a better team of writers for its return.


The writers just come up with the basic plot. All of the dialogue is improved. That's why I like the show.

"I kick ass for the LOrd!!"


I greatly enjoy this show, its part of my Tuesday night TV time, I think more people should check it out its quite funny.

And the fact that it's so improv heavy is very impressive I think.



I really enjoy this show. I also didn't think I would like it but I watched it for the first time a few weeks ago and am now very much addicted. This is really great comedy.


I fully agree. This show is funny and the jokes are funny and every cast member seems perfectly placed and each bring something original to the show. I LOVE it and it has become one of my new favorites. Any show that is primarily improvisational has a different dynamic than scripted shows.:)

"Are you a fan of delicious flavor?"


I've only seen 3 episodes from season 2, im guessing the first season sucked


I wouldn't really call it a great show, but I enjoy watching it. In terms of comedies, it's one of the better ones currently on...mainly because of the lack of others that I would consider top quality.

The Office and Corner Gas (I think this is finally airing in America) are in a class of their own, in my mind.


I enjoy this show very much, too. I started with the second series and loved the cast and their corny and sometimes over the top comedy--it's a great break for me.


I do have to admit that this show has become such a guilty pleasure for me. Even my husband likes this show, which is rare. People should really give it a chance., peace and chicken grease!


The first season showed potential for me and the second season is extremely funny. This is one of the few shows I actually look forward to the next episode.


The last few episodes of the first season were great. This season has been really funny.... but I do have one gripe, the advertisment of one product every week. Once it was Friskees the next week it was Hot Pockets.... it gets old real fast.

"Jiminy!" thinks Johnny, "If only I could get a ride in one of those!"


I have to say I find the product placements hillarious - I am in the CPG industry and crack up how they make the product part of the show....just wish my company would jump on board


The "go make yourself a bed of Hot Pockets" was pretty funny... it's a great show!

"Jiminy!" thinks Johnny, "If only I could get a ride in one of those!"

