Horrible Film

This might very well be the worst horror movie I've seen in the past 5 years. Not only does it ripoff ideas and visual aspects from many better made Japanese films, but it has plot holes big enough that you could drive a truck through them. Add the typical over-melodramatic acting so common in Korean films and you have a recipe for a truly agonizing film experience. Avoid this mess at all costs.


I couldn't avoid it because I'd already bought the ticket by the time I saw the rating on this page. So many cliches, which may be somewhat inevitable now a days, but still... The story and as to why the main character had to be invovled with that ghost just doesn't make any sense. Why'd she become a haunting ghost herself at the end? If everyone with a simple grudge like that became a ghost, then no where on earth could there ever be a safe place. Anyway, I'm just tired of this routine. The part about something going on at 9:56 was really catching, but the moment I found out that this was another grudgy ghost story (during the film), it all went downhill from there.

I have to admit though, when that guy shoots himself in the head while making a funny twitching face and wearing a dress, I laughed... It was too funny. Plus, at the beginning of this film, when it said "Toilet Productions" or whatever, that was WAY too funny... What kind of production company names themselves that?


I disagree. While not a brilliant film, it's hardly the worst thing I've seen this month, let alone the past 5 years myself. There is worse stuff out there released by Hollywood each single week.


Every spark of friendship and love will die without a hope
- The Arcade Fire


I agree with you. This not an award winning movie, but it's not bad either !


I don't agree, I've seen much worse movie then that one. It wasn't bad, it was well played. Maybe a little melodramatic, but at least it doesn't try push any morals unlike american movies. It's a well executed movie that borrow from the Asian ghost legends.

If you think that all those kind of ghosts were created from japan, you are wrong. It's only the way they are seeing ghosts in the east. So it's not korean ripping off japanese movies.

And of course, ghosts aren't suppose to be logical, so what you are calling plot holes aren't really plot holes. American movies are often giving us too much details, trying to make it logical, and that is making the atmosphere weak. Just look at the american remakes of Ju-On, it's bad.

If you want to see worse, try the movie Uzumaki, that is a real bad asian horror movie.
