Gok Wan is a saint

Gok Wan is actually, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, an angel.
As cheesy as it sounds, he is an actual angel.

I've actually met him and he's even nicer in real life, if that is at all possible.

He makes ladies feel beautiful and the even better thing is, he belives everything he says.

He is a good person.


I could not agree more. I read some ignorant comment about him, along the lines of "he's gay, how does he know what's sexy in a woman?".
I think that is totally beside the point, what he does for the women on the show, and the women (myself included) who watch the show is possibly the greatest thing a person could do for a generation (and coming generations) turning more and more to plastic surgery, where the levels of eating disorders are increasing (or at least appear to be as a result of more documentation), particularily in the younger age group, a girl in my 4th (age 9-10 years) class in primary school was caught making herself throw up after she was called fat by another class mate.

He doesn't make you sexy, he makes you confident, advises you well, dresses you, teaches you and as a result, that is sexy. He knows what he's talking about, he's been there.

And responding to the idiot I spoke about earlier, he knows what is sexy on women because he sees women as human beings, not as mannequins who exist solely for clothes and for you to look at.

He gives fabulous tips as well, so it never gets old. There is always something for ya.

Anyway he rocks, and is magnificent. He makes women feel beyond sexy, he makes them feel happy.

No! I said! Diggity!


He's great. I wonder if he has time to keep in touch with any of the women after the programmes. It would be so cool if he had time to keep in touch with them afterwards.

Have you ever carved a naked woman out of MDF before?


Gok Wan is a beautiful person. Sincere, funny and kind. It's too bad that these qualities rarely extend to straight men, as much as I love my gay fellas. Sigh.

Go take a step outside - see what’s shaking in the real world.
