I thought it was fine

It annoys me greatly that people are so critical of this movie. To be honest, I was surprised it was even made, and it was made on probably a rather small budget (especially considering how much they would have had to pay for some of the big name voices). The animation could have been better, and yes they skipped large parts of the book, but we should be happy they made it at all. Thanks to all the negative feedback and the fact that a lot of people did not buy it, most likely we won't get the sequels.

It wasn't the best movie version of a book i've ever seen, but I'm happy with it none the less. Btw, it beat the crap out of any other movie that came out of a D&D product, and at least it kept pretty true to the storyline. If you don't know what I am talking about, go watch the 2 Dungeons and Dragon movies. Now THOSE were painful to watch.

In closing, I watched the Dragonlance movie because I liked the storyline from the books which I read a long time ago. I watched it to remind me of that storyline, not to see great animation. If all you care about is graphics, go watch some lame japanime with no story, but lots of stuff blowing up and blood flying all over the place.



I liked it to too.
The animation style reminded me of the art style in my old D&D books and the Old Gold Box D&D Games.


I liked it. But this has got to be the first American cartoon with shameless fanservice (Tika).


(cough)Jessica Rabbit(cough)


Just shows how low people's standards have dropped.


We liked it too. My wife (her account) has never read the books, but she liked the cartoon.

I read the book years ago, and as I recall it followed the major plots pretty well.

The 2D and 3D animation mix was a bit strange, but didn't detract from the story.


When I watch a movie, I want to see good camera work and a good story line. A movie cannot be any good without professional and quality camera work, and would be a complete waste of time if the story wasn't any good. The Japanese have learnt style and skill in animation in the past forty years... obviously the Americans have not. Honestly... What a waste of a good story. They had the story handed to them on a platter and they destroyed it with bad animation and dubbing.

No... this wonderful story was ruined with a lack of budget.
(And I'm seriously hoping this is the reason, because if Hasbro/WOTC payed anything decent for this then they were ripped off).


t annoys me greatly that people are so critical of this movie.

And on the other end of the spectrum, it annoys me greatly that you are so forgiving of such poor quality. Well, not really. More like how the typical net user can be so narrow-minded/selfish as to believe his/her personal situation applies to everyone else.

My point is perhaps you'll learn a little more about human nature and realize that some people are more emotionally invested in this movie than you. Not knowing about the movie in advance means you probably saw it as a 'bonus' cos you didn't even know it existed.

Many regulars here have known about the movie since conception, including getting excited and investing some measure of hope and expectations that their favourite book of all time will be treated well, and maybe their friends and family can be introduced to the series based on the strength of this movie.

Your post is the emotional equivalent of someone who insults you for getting excited cos your favourite baseball/football/hockey/soccer team won the world cup (or similar).
