
I was expecting animation the caliber of X-Men Evolution or even Avatar: The Last Airbender. Instead it was like watching the New He-Man. I hope if they do more they find better animators.


Ye Gods man, I'd say it goes far beyond disappointing....

I hadn't realized it was already out (last read about it more than a year ago, figured it'd drag on forever before release)
Man, I wish I'd checked the forums before buying it. The animation completely crushed any other merits that might have been lurking about. It seemed to me to be a horrid meld of 80's sat. morning "corporate"/ wannabe anime with first year ITT tech 3-d design.
Especially bad was when they tried to work in the more "adult" parts (graphic violence or any sexual undertones)

....*long shudder*....
I wish I hadn't bought it, but I really wish they'd just gotten somebody, anybody, better to produce it. So much for seeing the whole trilogy (and especially the twins trilogy) done well...


Maybe I should do a fan film....:)_


A fan film would probably have better production values.



Wow! This is bad!!! I have watched so many animation in my life that I have totally lost count. Seriously, the entire animation is choppy, the characters could do with a lot more expressions, the colors were like back in the early 90s, the story was so concised it had little meaning.... this one must be up for the worst value-for-money movie award.

This reminds me of the last dungeon and dragon film... gosh.... That was bad enough... this is even worse.


Whenever someone or something died, I kept thinking "The least they could do is add some blood!"


