What about a Live Action film

I did enjoy the cartoon, it gave it an 80's feel. But I for one would like to see a Live Action Film. The fanbase for Dragonlance is bigger than people realize.

When I say live action, I mean on a Lord of the Rings level.





I would rather a TV series of whole Dragonlance. Something like Stargate SG1.

It could take years. And I agree that fans are many. I can at least say that there are nearly same number of fans of LOTR.



Honestly, there's no reason why an *animated* DL could not be a decent adaptation of the novels. Sadly, the outsourced it to a poor-quality studio in India an this was the result. It makes me really sad as a fan an as an artist. I'm not an animator myself, but I know many very talented animators that would have killed to get a chance to work on this project. I know I would have loved to be involved. Here's hoping that DL will get someone who has the drive and passion to make it like PJ had for LOTR.


All anyone ever does on this site is talk about how bad the cartoon movie was and how they should do it up like LOTR.

My question is: Does anyone have any idea as to whether or not they plan on making the other books? Although Twilight was pretty short and bad, it was entertaining and it would be interesting if they were to make the sequels or even Twins series..... Any ideas?


Chances of completing the trilogy or starting the next depend entirely on how well this does; one of the reasons people are so downhearted on how poorly made this one was, and it was poorly made. No amount of quality voice actors can make up for a shoddily put together animation. What I believe the folks here are wishing for is not for Peter Jackson to make a live action version of the books, but for a film maker, whether animated or live action, who has the same passion for the source material, to make a decent adaptation of the books. That, and bad as it may have been (I never read Twilight) it made a *beep* ton of money, being made at the height of Twilight fever.




It would be a toss of the dice, IF they could get one hell of a good director, a solid budget (it doesn't even need to be ridiculously high budget, a killer director can use a moderate budget to bring his vision to life) and he managed to win an incredibly good cast it could work. I doubt it would ever pan out though, while I think the directors and actors of such calibre are definitely out there the chances of drawing all of them together at once on one single project that wasn't an absolute guaranteed blockbuster would be nearly impossible...as a side, I think it would be interesting to see Patrick Stewart as Fizban...say what one will about his being typecast as Picard, the man is always a brilliantly good actor in everything I've seen him in (even as a flamboyantly gay man in Jeffrey), he has the acting chops from years and years of Shakespearean stage acting to pull off the befuddled old wizard and the presence to pull off the hidden power Fizban engendered...


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."



There is no production company crazy enough to take such a huge risk. Instead make a new 2d-movie, but this time hire an animation studio that actually takes pride in what they do. Like, I don't know, Studio Sunrise for example or Gonzo or even a freaking Ghibli, they actually know what they are doing!


Agree with that list. Hell give it to Pixar or Dreamworks, It would give them a project that would be a way for them to really push thier comfort zone of kids/family movies.

This was just so bad though. and I dont expect a LA version would be any better, given the way the studio would do it would be a recast of "Twilight" and some pop starlets.

I love it when a hollywood gets ahold of a great idea and start to analise it. You can almost see the mental midgets sitting around a table fleshing the idea out.

Studo guy 1: "Hey how about a new fantasy movie. My kid just finished reading a Dragons and Dungeons book, he thought it would make a great movie, he just wants us to try and get Jessica Simpson for a part, he wants to meet her".

Studio Guy 2: "Dragons and Dungeons? they still make that? Cool well try it animated first. See what kind of response it gets. Once they get the script done well outsource it to - insert new india animation company name here- I ow a favor to the guy that runs it anyway, besides if Dragons and Dungeons, only kids are interested in that."

Studio guy 3: "Well lets start planning a LA movie with the cast of "twilight" that movie made us a freaking boatload of cash. and Uwe Boll hasnt been busy latley, I'd say Bay, but you know him, if he cant have crap exploding then hes not interested in it."

Studio guy 1: "Hey I think my son said something about exploding bodies? would that be enough for Michael?"

Studio guy 2 & 3: "I bet it would, maybe we can get him to put the decpticon emblem on a shield?"

And before anyone answers, yes that is sarcasm........
