Dragons of Winter Night

I for one hope that they continue and make Dragons of Winter Night. Hopefully without the crappy 3-D stuff in there. Who's with me?

There are so many complaints about this movie from the hardcore Dragonlance fans, but I had fun with this movie. I'll admit I haven't read a Dragonlance book in ages but this poorly animated film makes me want to go back and check out the real deal. I think people who are into fantasy but not Dragonlance fans might actually be drawn to the books despite what many of the hardcore devotees of the series seem to think. So I hope that this sells well enough that they keep going with the series, improve upon the shortcomings of this first one (the animation mainly), and perhaps get a little more of a budget.


I agree with you 100%. The cgi was really the only thing i didn't like about the movie. the rest was just so awesome.

i just found this movie yesterday in one of those machines at macdonalds, and having not heard about there being a dragonlance movie coming out i picked it up (not expecting very much at all from the cover picture). i totally thought it was going to be a little kids movie, but every time it sent us a little mixed single my friend and i completely cracked up. even though at times the characters seemed to magically not want to use their swords like so many other cartoons, the next fight would completely hit you unaware with goblins getting stabbed in the throat and draconians having their brains bashed in with a log.

although the cgi does irritate me, i would almost say don't change anything for the sequels, this cartoon has a style and charm all of its own, and i would prefer the trilogy to be similar.


Either a good 3D animation (a la Spirtis Within or Advent Children) or a decent classic animation or live-action movie. No more stupid salads!!!


That's what I'm talking about! If they had put the CG budget into the animation budget, it could have been great! The screenplay was well done, getting most of the good parts right without having to last six hours. All in all, my 7 year old liked it, but I put it up there with the live action D&D fiasco. I am going to read the books again, though.


CG is now many times cheaper than traditional 2d animation. Just look at the crap load of low quality CGI cartoons on saturday mornings.


I read almost every Dragonlance book out there. I felt that the CGI was lacking, it reminded me more of a Saturday morning cartoon than anything. However, I feel they did an absolute amazing job covering the story in a movie. (some of the added scenes were a little bad though).

In all, aside from the lacking CGI, which is understandable due to their budget, I impatiently await Dragons of Winter Night.


Thought it was great, really enjoyed it.

Read the books when I was about 16 and this really took me back, I think I might just get the books again and read them.

Good stuff imo


yeah I hope they do create the sequal, and maybe this time include the important green gemmed man. And also this one needs to be much longer than its predicessor as "Dragons Of Autumn Twilight " was not long enough



I hope the saga gets continued, too. But not by these guys, not like this! This movie was a bitter disapointment! I love animation and Dragonlance and yes they combined have huge potential...which these guys managed to ruin completely.

If they continue, they better improve A LOT.

Lexa is cute!


This was average at best. Great voice cast and source material, mediocre to lol-worthy everything else. I'm not even going to question the more awful aspects like some fights having blood and others not, and the unnecessary CG draconians/dragons.If you're going to do it, at least make it look like it wasn't made in the early 90's.

I want to see my favorite of the trilogy Winter Night and see Sturm get owned by my favorite character as much as anyone else... but not if it's going to be like this.

My best wish for it, is for them to just do like the D&D movies did. Reeboot, and let Sci Fi do a live action movie trilogy (or miniseries!} of the whole trilogy.



I'm also excited that after so much time this is finally on TV. However, the animation attempt was the single worst I've ever seen in my ENTIRE LIFE. They should get rid of the CGI and switch to japanese style aminamtion, or I'll have to give up on them.


It's gonna air on TV? When? on what Channel?

Let's put a smile on that face Hehehahahaha!



I want Dragons of Winter Night to come out the way the first film did; and besides don't you hate cliff-hangers huh?
*nya* *purr*



May I ask you though..Why should Dragonlance be given that honor?
I've read the first five books a few times over...But they're not exactly literary masterpieces, couldn't we find another fantasy novel which deserved a good budget better?
LOTR was a great project, but then we kind of got stuck with stuff like Eragon..Dragonlance..Fortunatly not Eddings so far, but who knows.


Because for many people Dragonlance was and is their LoTR. I actually like it more than LoTR. The book Eragon is very good, the movie is not. As for the person who said switch to anime. Please no. Just rid the film of the cgi and tighten up the animation. I liked the script and the voice acting was great. Especially Raistlin. Spot on.

I hope they make a sequel and make it better.


I completely agree with you here. For me Dragonlance was the reason that I read LOTR for the first time. In fact, DragonLance is what got me to really enjoy reading books in general.

I think Kiefer Sutherland did a tremendously good job with Raistlin, and to me that is the most important character of the series (I am sure many agree).

I am glad they decided to make something out of this if for no other reason than it brings me back to my childhood at some level. I am sure I will reread this series and the Legends series and if they make a movie out of those 6 books I guarantee that I will watch them. I am sad to see this movie getting such poor ratings from fans, simply because I am sure that means they won't make any more.

