Lodoss War

Hey folks,
I'm not a huge anime buff, but I remember Record of Lodoss War (1990) giving me a strong DL vibe back in the day, and I just re-watched the OVA. It just made me sad how shoddily Dragons of Autumn Twilight was put together. For those who haven't seen it, it was originally a book, then manga, then an anime of highly elaborated retellings of D&D sessions, which became the basis of a whole franchise in Japan. It's a 13 part miniseries which follows a party of mismatched characters (sound familiar?) that end up involved in a plot involving the fate of their world. What it most strongly reminds me of is Dragonlance mixed with a dash of Shining Force. If you haven't seen it, I guarantee that after the end of the opening credits and then first episode, you will understand what I'm saying. Good stuff.


I agree with you I havent seen all of the Lodoss war but enough to have been impressed by it. But this is attributed to the fact that Japan views animated movies MUCH differentely than here in the US. Most people here dont see "cartoons" as a worthwhile way to tell a story. If people would just get over that, and hollywood pulls thier head out of thier ass and stops seeing projects such as this being for kids only, then we might start getting better cartoon movies. As for DoAT..... well....

DoAT was just plain horrible. I bought it (now before you say what were you thinking, I couldnt find it for rent and it was $15) and it took me 9 months to watch it. I could only watch 20 to 30 minutes at a time. None of the voices fit, and the animation was terible. People compare this to 80's cartoons but its worse than that, this is more 70's.

I cant understand how the authors who were supposedly "working closely with the production" could allow this to happen.


I had Record of Lodoss War on Sega DreamCast it was a great game in the line of Diablo....man I loved that game.


Record of the Lodoss War was one of the first anime I've ever seen, other than the Dragonball series, and this was almost 20 years ago! Even now Lodoss War has aged rather well.

However, I'm watching the DL movie now and it's everything the detractors are saying - horrible animation and embarrassingly bad characterizations.

I could absolutely believe this to be an 80s saturday morning cartoon, and even then, not one of the good kind.
