Jack Nicholson crying

I have seen many a Jack Nicholson film, but this is the first time I recall him crying. If you did see him crying on film it might have been in some sarcastic or comedic manner, but this was genuine emotion. And it didn't even take him out of character either.

Just something of note. Has there been any other role where he broke down?


In 'About Schmidt', where near the end - it closes on him crying. You can see genuine emotion there.


"I have seen many a Jack Nicholson film, but this is the first time I recall him crying. If you did see him crying on film it might have been in some sarcastic or comedic manner, but this was genuine emotion. And it didn't even take him out of character either.

Just something of note. Has there been any other role where he broke down?"

In bed with Diane Keaton in Something's Gotta Give!


He cried in As Good As It Gets when he had to give the dog back to Simon.


He cries at the end of "the postman always ring twice".


He cries in the Shining after dreaming about killing his wife and kid.


In "Five Easy Pieces" (1970), Jack is crying when he is outside talking to his father, who is in a wheel chair. If not for "Patton" (1970), "Five Easy Pieces" would likely have taken the Oscar for Best Picture. Easily, I think it is Jack's best role, and perhaps most underrated.


hes great at crying, i thught the scene where hes speaking at the funeral was beautiful. i cried too. also in "About schmidt" at the end was him at his best...


When you see someone like Jack Nicholson crying so "rarely", it really hits you hard when he does. The funeral scene in the Bucket List was beautiful.


He completely broke down in The Crossing Guard, once after a nightmare (call to his ex-wife) and then at the end. I was struck by those performances, and I'm not the biggest Nicholson fan.


In Ironweed he breaks down in a cemetery speaking to the grave of his dead son.

