a great movie

this movie is great, i'm mexican and all the jokes are really funny but unfortunately some of the jokes are very local so i think it would be difficult to understand them. still i recomend it a lot.
"hay te va el iguano power" lol


si ta buenisima, yo tambien soy mexicano tons si le entendi, good movie i recomend it!!!!!!!!!!


Hm... to watch it w/o knowledge of Spanish and/or Mexican jargon, you would have to know some basic things:

1) Huevos (eggs) is used like "Balls" in English: that's a name for TESTICLES.
2) "Hueva" is used to describe laziness or that 'something's boring', but also sounds like "female egg". (There's a joke exploiting this double meaning halfway through the movie)
3) "Tejeringo el chico" (the farm where Toto is "born") is a play on words, basically its a pun for "I'm needling your anus" (Te jeringo el chico).
4) The "Torito" scene is a homage to a 1950's movie series (Pepe el Toro), which would be something like Darth Vader's NOOOOOOO in Episode III.

There are loads of stuff also referencing local jokes, but I can't remember them at this time.




Me gustó estuvo tripiosa.



Sure this a good movie, I am not Mexican, I am Colombian... and I understood almost 90% of the jokes of the movie... really hilarious!! And all you all right, the movie is call “Una Película de Huevos”, that in its literal translation means “A Movie About Eggs”, but using the Latin common-double sense for sentences, it might be also translated or understood like “A Film With Nuts”, or “A Film With Balls”.



Turns out I somehow own this movie god knows since when. While looking through my dvd collection I came across it and decided 2 watch it. I gotta say its the funniest animated movie I have seen in a long long time.

"Why was I born handsome instead of rich?" -Ralphie Cifaretto


It's better than I thought. Which it doesn't mean that it's a "great" movie. Just that it exceeded my expectations. IMO It's better than lots of Hollywood productions with 10 times its budget but still it could have been a bit better.
Anyway I enjoyed it enough to rent the sequel "Otra película de huevos y un pollo", which IMO is a tad better.

Me gusto o mejor dicho me divirtio bastante. La animacion no es de lo mejor, pero con un presupuesto de solo 2 millones de dolarucos, creo que el resultado es mas que aceptable. Tampoco le vas a exigir que sea vea como una peli de 100 millones!
En resumen: Buenas actuaciones del reparto principal, excelente banda sonora, buenos chistes y un uso muy efectivo del doble sentido que nos caracteriza, aunque la historia es muy sencillita. La secuela mejora en ese aspecto y tambien mejora en la calidad de la animacion, e incluso está disponible en Blu-ray!
