
how did meera sign the paper...haha. it's not as if she carries a pen with her at all times. i hate these little holes, they're so easy to make fun of.


I know I know, but it was still a great film.. I'm so glad about the ending.


I think that's why Zeenat reached out for her when the train was leaving and she saw no signature. :D

Just kidding... A great movie... One of the best desi movies i've seen recently.


what makes you certain she doesn't carry a pen at all times?


she does too carry a pen - to jab her pop-in-law or the tenant, in case they made a move on her.


Well duh.. in a movie do you have to be shown whether a person takes a dump or goes to sleep for you to have the sense of a believable film where the act did take place?.. come on! there are somethings that are to be presumed... and what is to be presumed in this case is that somewhere during her run towards the railway station, she got hold of someone with a pen and signed the paper OR it is possible that the pen that was brought by the Muslim wife was also lying in sand alongside the piece of paper.
