Tell me about Regina?

What happened with her?


Unfortunately....she dies. Damien is on a rampage blaming his son Juan Cristobal....Damien didn't deserve her anyway but it's sad that after helping her son live she dies...


i dont think she died. also, why is it going to air on next monday?


Hmm..I think she did actually die. It's probably the best the producer could come up with to solve all the problems that could arise after everyone finding out about Demian's "wrongdoings."

to rebel dude. I think it's not airing until next Monday because tonight's the Premios Lo Nuestro--which means no novelas tonight =o(--and I'm guessing that la Fea Mas Bella is going to be on the 2-hour special tomorrow; they usually plan stuff like this on Univision so that a novela (in this case Mundo de Fieras) ends on a specific day of the week. =o)



In an interview the actress who played Regina (Laura Flores) said that Regina was never meant to live till the end.

They wanted her character to die so that Demian could go all crazy and turn back into Hyde (so to speak).

It was a good novela, I just liked the beginning a lot more than I liked the end.
