First Dance Music

What is the name of the piece that the couple used for their first dance?


The one John Stamos sang (that he and his brother Ben sang earlier)? The song is "Ben" from the horror movie ( about a guy and his relationship with his pet rat. Really. The song, recorded by Michael Jacson, was something of a hit. (the movie wasn't)

Not garnished? Not finished!


Follow-up: does anyone know who the gay men's chorus was who sang? studio singers? There was no credit given, as far as I could see, in the film credits (I taped).

(and I added a link from the wikipedia entry for the song to the imdb movie site here)

Not garnished? Not finished!


The "choir" is actually the composer Merv Warren and a singer friend doubling and tripling thier voices to sound like a group. Merv also did the vocal arrangement. And John Stamos is actually singing. The movie was shot in Halifax, Nova Scotia and the men who are playing the choir are not actaully singing and are mostly extras. Although the conductor and about 5 of the men are from a local men's choir in Halifax....


WOW! Jim Fall! THE Jim Fall!

Welcome to the board sir!

BTW-LOVED the movie!

<Well...yea...I'm probably NOT who you think I am.>


Thanks. Glad you liked the movie. I'm very proud of it!
