MovieChat Forums > Shooter (2007) Discussion > Them boys on the grassy knoll where dead...

Them boys on the grassy knoll where dead within three hours

does anyone know exactly if that is part of a theory with the jfk assasination. I dont know if they just put that in there or if its a popular thought that the men were buried in that desert ( can't remember the name) if so post a link.


What exactly are you referring to here? More info. needed.


Mr. Rate: Would've been a bad job to take, though.

Nick Memphis: How come?

Mr. Rate: Whoever took that shot's probably dead now. That's how conspiracy works. Them boys on the grassy knoll, they were dead within three hours. Buried in the damn desert. Unmarked graves out past Terlingua.

Nick Memphis: And you know this for a fact?

Mr. Rate: Still got the shovel!

That was one of the conversations from the movie. I was wondering if that part was actually a theory that is known. i.e do people believe that the actual shooters were killed after the assassination and were quickly disposedof. (Killers being someone other than Lee harvey). If so, who were the killers and who killed them. In the movie they make it seem as though the old man was former military. I have never heard the theory that the real killers where then killed as well.


I get you now, ok.
I was but a boy at school when JFK was shot but do more or less remember hearing the first News bulletins.
I have read countless conspiracy theories and haven't read details enough to make a serious judgment if the killers, IF they existed, were quietly shot and disposed of somewhere. All is possible I suppose.


Well, consider that Oswald was killed within 48 hours of the assassination by Ruby on nationwide television.

Now, as an assassination buff, no, I haven't heard anything about any of the other people that were involved being killed - but maybe that's because they pinned it all on Oswald. It makes sense, of course, but no, it's not really part of any conspiracy theory that I'm aware of.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


does anyone know exactly if that is part of a theory with the jfk assasination. I dont know if they just put that in there or if its a popular thought that the men were buried in that desert ( can't remember the name) if so post a link.

No, it is not part of the theory(facts). You can speculate as to what happened to the gunmen, but there are no facts as of yet to support any contention(IFAIK).

If you are actually interested in the JFK assassination, watch this;


the point where Most 'conspiracy theories' fall apart is that they require more people to know about said conspiracy, then are mentioned in the 'Official story'... so the question becomes 'if these people exist, why haven't they said something to ANYONE in the Decades since the event...
-- lets say Mr. G Knoll exists and he ventilated JFK's skull that day... surely some one who did something that awesome/horrific would have either bragged or confessed to some one since then...

the best way to explain the silence, and make the Conspirators that much more evil is to say that 'Oh, they killed them.' heck the prevailing logic from Conspiracy Theorists is that Ruby Must have killed Oswald t prevent Oswald from revealing his role in the larger plot...

I am unaware any specific theories (oxymoron if ever there was; as most are suspiciously vague) which state that A. there was more than one guy on the knoll or that B. he/they were buried in Terra Lingua or anywhere else


the point where Most 'conspiracy theories' fall apart is that they require more people to know about said conspiracy, then are mentioned in the 'Official story'... so the question becomes 'if these people exist, why haven't they said something to ANYONE in the Decades since the event...
-- lets say Mr. G Knoll exists and he ventilated JFK's skull that day... surely some one who did something that awesome/horrific would have either bragged or confessed to some one since then...

the best way to explain the silence, and make the Conspirators that much more evil is to say that 'Oh, they killed them.' heck the prevailing logic from Conspiracy Theorists is that Ruby Must have killed Oswald t prevent Oswald from revealing his role in the larger plot...

Straw man arguments...

As I said, no one ever said they were killed, at least, no one worth listening to. The facts revolve around the inconsistencies and impossibilities surrounding the official story. The Warren commission was an obvious whitewash.
Cui bono?


I was responding to the Original Post... Not YOU...

My statements were not straw-man, nor was I taking sides in the Argument about "What Really Happened"

The Character in the Movie states 'those guys are Buried in Terra Lingua' who those guys were, if there were 2,3 or ANY is not a 'Known known' such existence is Part of the 'theories'

My statements were to the point that IF they existed, one would have expected one of them to have bragged about it and they would be Known... That No such person has stepped forward in the 50 years since Dallas to say "I shot JFK." either they do not exist, or their Co-conspirators had them Killed...

in the Film's Universe as told by the old man; we only really have his word (the Book implied that the character adapted as Sandor (Rade Serbedgia) was the Real shooter in Dallas) it is real, and that is what happened, OP was inquiring about the reality of such statements in Our Universe...


..the point where Most 'conspiracy theories' fall apart is that they require more people to know about said conspiracy..

Don't make blanket statements and then recant them.


what am I 'recanting'?... exactly what did I say at first that I deny now?

is your Tin Foil Hat so tight that YOU cannot admit that some 'conspiracy Theories' are in Fact BUNK... and the point at which they get debunked comes down to 'If this is a secret, how many people are in on it? and if that many people are in on it how has it remained Secret?' almost Every conspiracy comes from a Theorist spotting what they think is a Thread, and running with it; I am unfamiliar with a single one in which an 'insider' comes forward and "You won't believe the freaky ^%$# this Black Budget Agency Hired me to do..."

again I am NOT Taking Sides... but we are talking about a Film in which a Character ( a fictional person, to whom no resemblance to anyone Living or dead, is quantified at the end of the Film), States that He personally Has the Shovel with which the Grassy Knoll Gun MEN were Buried... now IF He is Fictional, then all of His actions are Fictional...

and once again

I am unaware any specific theories... which state that A. there was more than one guy on the knoll or that B. he/they were buried in Terra Lingua or anywhere else


YOU cannot admit that some 'conspiracy Theories' are in Fact BUNK

..the point where Most 'conspiracy theories' fall apart is that they require more people to know about said conspiracy..

Don't make blanket statements and then recant them.


JFK was killed by accident by a three-round-burst from an AR-15. Secret Service agent George Hickey was responding to a loud noise caused by a firecracker, cherry bomb, or backfire. He fell backwards while standing on the seat cushion of the Secret Service followup vehicle, gripping the weapon and pulling the trigger.
Hickey's normal job was a Secret Service driver -- he had never handled an AR-15 before. After the assassination, all AR-15's were removed from the Secret Service arsenal.

The cover-up was ordered by Bobby Kennedy,the most powerful and (ruthless) politician after JFK. He thought it would be more dignified if his brother's
death was officially recognized as death by assassin, rather then death by incompetent agent. The government engaged in a massive disinformation campaign to keep the truth as deeply buried as possible. People in the know kept their mouths shut because they saw it as their patriotic duty. The government was certainly capable if liquidating eyewitnesses, but I have no evidence of this.

Read "The Death of A President" by William Manchester for the hints of truth written between the lines of the Official Lies. Read "Mortal Error" by Bonar Menninger for the ballistics analysis. And read "The Echo from Dealey Plaza" by Abraham Bolden, which describes the lax Secret Service culture, which contributed to JFK's death.


I saw a show about that and it was an interesting theory but I don't buy it.

An agent firing an AR 15 from a car directly behind or in front of the pres's limo would have been heard and seen by some of the crowd lining Dealey plaza. An AR 15 is an extremely load weapon and when it fired people would have turned.

But yeah, the SS were a bunch of incompetent jackasses letting Kennedy get killed.


I dont know if they just put that in there ...
Well yeah, they did just toss it in there, seeing this movie involves a conspiracy and some people believe there was a conspiracy to kill JFK that involved another shooter/shooters on the grassy knoll.

Can any one explain to me why Mr Rate made a big deal about looking at Swagger's and Memphis's hands? I've watched the film a number of times and still don't quite get it.

BTW a great cameo by Levon Helm IMO.🐭


i think he was looking for people who shoot.
Just like guitar players build up callouses on the finger tips of the hand they finger the notes with, (the left if right handed) then I am guessing a shooter who practices a lot will build up callouses in that are of the palm that grips the gun a lot.
He could tell the FBI agent wasn't a regular shooter, but called Bob Lee Gunny as soon as he felt his hand.


Ah! OK! Makes sense with the callouses. Thanks a lot!🐭


Duh, we all know Magneto accidently killed JFK.


Where dead or there dead?


were. I think. If not, it is missing a few commas or quotations.


This to me is the most logical and subtle way of saying that those phukers on the grassy knowl really did exist.... amazing and truthful scripting and writing. Nobody else "gets" this fact. I love this part immensely!!
