What can you do?

Yeah, I was one of the responsible party for LIGHTSPEED. It had many problems and setbacks. But what film doesn't? The mechanics of making a film of this type are very difficult for everyone involved, especially when you have very little time and budget to work with. My crew and myself had less than 3 weeks to pull off our part. It was grueling. But you now what? Everybody on the show were incredible to work with. Cut them some slack. Let's see what any of you armchair critics can do with the limited funds and schedules we have to work with.


Yeah, limited funds is right. So limited you people screwed over the local crew and cast and DIDN'T PAY THEM!!!!


this message is for the ones responsible for not payin the people you owe for this film..

WTF, this movie was horrible, and you cant even pay up to the people you owe money to, just because your never gonna make any real money off it dont mean you dont have to pay the REAL workers...i think that when stuff like this happens its complete *beep* and just makes people not wanna watch any of the garbage you put out...

stan lee never shoulda put his name on this, bad mistake...but at least he got paid


First of all let me clear something up,Obsart is not one of the people responsible for not paying people on this shoot.Obsart was the make-up designer for Python,he was part of the crew,I should know because I worked for him on LIGHTSPEED.And as for all of us who worked on the make-up effects for LIGHTSPEED,yes we got paid but most of our work was done in pre-production here in California.You can't blame the crew for people not getting paid,we don't write the checks the producers do.

Tom Irvin
[email protected]


My wife and I just finished watching Lightspeed. Although the experience was miserable, we both agreed that you folks did an amazing job on Python's make-up effects.

Keep up the good work!


On behalf on the entire make-up effects team for Lightspeed,thank you.Hopefully you'll enjoy our work for the upcoming film TWO:THIRTEEN "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1002561/"; as much.
Tom Irvin

Tom Irvin
[email protected]
