Bloody Lisp!

Just wondering if anyone else found Kenny's voice incredibly distracting? I am not having a go at people with speech impediments; I was just confused as to why the director and actor made the decision to have the character speak like this.


It was a little distracting, as it made it difficult to understand what he was saying sometimes, and I also missed a few punchlines because of it. Perhaps they made the decision for Kenny to have an impediment because it created more sympathy for the character? Just a thought.


The real reaosn he has the lisp was because kenny was a take off of an actual worker at splashdown he really has a lisp, therefore it was decided to use it in the movie.

hope that clears it up


Not to mention it was incredibly funny when he told his son to "SIT" down, also when Kenny mentioned going to the "CITY"

I'm sure it was intentional!


it makes him a more comical character, along with his overalls, beard and bear-gut


Yes, it was. I had to watch it with Subtitles. LOL.

Still, Kenny is one of the greatest Austrlian comedies to comes out in... Well, Ever!



I could understand him just fine and I'm from the USA lol.

R.I.P. Uncle Steve


How did you do it, GimboTheGhoulie? Your sister said hse left because she couldn't understand a word he said. How come you understood him 100% fine?

P.S. But she understood Rodney Rude just fine LOL.


I dunno, but I understood him just fine lol. Rodney Rude is rather rude, but hilarious!

R.I.P. Uncle Steve


i hope i'm wrong but i think the lisp was added specifically for these 2 jokes ;)


lol I had absolutely no problems at all understanding him either,
but then again i'm australian


It was all part of his character and helped make the movie what it is.



Not just distracting. Unbearable. I turned it off after a couple of minutes. I don't want to listen to speech like that if I am not required to. Not fun. Too ugly.


I also turned it off after two minutes, i couldn't stand any more of it.


I came here to say exactly this. I made it through about 20 minutes. Not knowing anything about the actor, It's very easy to tell when a lisp is being deliberately put on. It comes across as forced and unnatural.

If it was to make the character endearing / likeable / affable or charming it certainly DID NOT have that affect on me, and only served to drive me away from this terrible film.
