i saw this............

i saw this with my school cause a kid in my school her mom is shannon knopke and we got to see it Way before it will come back and we took a quizz,well this movie kinda has issues cause this girl(bad actor kinda) is always sad and it is end in the end but some parts are realy dumb. O and it was filmed in my home town and It was realy good shots of the plaza in Kc, MO!!!!!!!!!
OMg it was an ok movie so i suggest u see it to try it but kinda corny as my advise when i saw it!

Dont ever frown u never know who is falling in love w/ ur smile.


It's in KC? XD Go Kansas Citiens. =P We pwn.



<< saw this with my school cause a kid in my school her mom is shannon knopke and we got to see it Way before it will come back and we took a quizz>>

I'm going to take a stab and assume you don't take English or Grammar in that school you mentioned...


"I'm going to take a stab and assume you don't take English or Grammar in that school you mentioned... "

She's probably still in school. Don't hate! My younger sister actually worked on this film as a PA :)


I guess we don't have to worry that any movie critic's jobs will be in jeopardy over Clare's writings lol


"this movie kinda has issues cause this girl(bad actor kinda) is always sad and it is end in the end but some parts are realy dumb"

Well thats sad, "this girl" um her name is Vivien Cardone, and she is an amazing actress, she is my friend, and is a very talented girl!!

Alicia Reynoso


Biased much?
