Wow - bad movie!

Well, I have nothing but love for Jen and Matthew, but WOW was this BAD!

I try to get through every movie, but this one was tough

Felt like it was written by a teenager

Am I the only one that hated it?

What if this is As Good As It Gets?
(horrified gasps)


No you are not the only person!

This is such a bizarre thing about imdb - this dog of a movie has a fairly high rating yet good movies can't catch a break here.

I have no idea how this and that Sarah JP and Hugh Grant movie got greenlit.


Well i want to know why the marine dude was yelling out ARMY calls! disgraceful!


Watched on nice HD screen so it looked nice but the writing was just terrible.



Your right Linda it did look nice - was that Newport???

But wheewwww the writing! Painful

What if this is As Good As It Gets?
(horrified gasps)


I looked up the "locations" on IMDB Pro. Really nice feature within the "business" category there.

Here's what it said:

* Boston, Massachusetts, USA
* Castle Hill, Crane Estate - 280 Argilla Road, Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA
* Needham, Massachusetts, USA
(high school basement party)
* Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA
(Martha & Mary Chapel wedding scene)

I would agree with some of the reviewers that said they enjoyed some of the performances. I watched this partially because I was looking for something within the HD channels on my TV (it was on HBOHD), and partially because I like Michael Douglas and Matthew McConaughey. I thought Michael Douglas did a great job. I liked Jennifer Garner. But it was a huge weight on Matthew. There was just so much script for him and so much of it was just simply bad.



I don't get why you didn't like it. It was a simple retelling of a Christmas Carol, it was a light romantic comedy, that didn't take itself to seriously and was fully aware of itself. With all the garbage out there how can you not like a simple strait forward flick?

I think most of you haters hate it because you think you're supposed to.


The writing was poor and contrived as well as the acting

Everyone has their opinions, this is mine

What if this is As Good As It Gets?
(horrified gasps)




i think my biggest problem with it was that they let the movie write itself.

Christmas Carol is one of the the most widely recognized plots in western literature. it seems to me that given that most any viewer will be able not not simply follow the story, but accurately predict its trajectory, the writers would be able to concentrate on making the movie funny. there is little need, scriptwise, to advance the plot, because we have all seen this story arc and no where it ends up, and, roughly, the timing of each element. so given such a rigid and easy to follow framework, why isn't the damn thing funny?


Yeah it was extremely bad.


"hate" is a strong word but ya pretty cheesy...
