The girl kind of deserved it

I saw this movie recently and I'm going to admit it, but Jennifer Gardner's character deserved what was coming to her after the middle school dance thing. You never see her apologize to him or even see him leave. that is what a bb-ii-tt-cc-hh does, and i really can't feel sorry for her cause of that. As if right after making out with another guy, she'd think he'd be all happy for her as if they were bffs and going to get their nails done. His uncle gave him real advice [aside from never falling in love] on how to not be the "I'm a fag. Let's be friends" guy..

Anyone agree?

"Life is a movie. Write your own ending."


You are right. The whole film pranced around on how Matt's character was doing wrong when she had all the fault. Plus stupid ghost of future sucked.


Yes, he had been saving his heart for her and she turned around and did that to him at the dance. But she had been trying to get it on with him since they were little buggers at the swing and she couldn't wait any longer.

In the film's world, all women were sleazy, naughty little things and she was no different underneath.


You are right. What bugged me even more was that, when Mathew tries to reconcile between his brother and his bride, Jennifer fights with him instead of supporting him. That was too selfish and showed that she did not care about her friends marriage. Basically not a very good person.


Truee, Garner was a bitch.


That is an excellent point!


She was just a kid at the time, but i agree she kinda messed him up for life & didnt know it.

His Uncle played a big part aswell but she was the girl he loved that made out with a jock while on a date with him. If she really liked him she wouldnt have done it but he was a popular jock so she probably didnt want to pass up that oppurtunity.

I will say I was super happy that when he was 16 or so & came down to the basement he looked at her passed straght by her. Then she was sad. Thought that was good payback


She was just a kid when she did that, and kids are cruel. Evententually (hopefully) both parties grow up and stop playing games. And the hurt party needs to realize that the other was just immature and has now grown up, and so they need to forgive and forget it. I was bullied as a teen, and I realize now that most of the kids who bullied me have matured and are now different. I don't even expect an apology b/c most probably don't realize how much they hurt me.

"The hideousness of that foot will haunt my dreams forever."


I hate this backward logic, and sadly its not the first time I've heard it.


Yeah, I see that there has been several posts about this and I agree. I didn't like how they just brushed it aside and acted like it was his fault for not immediately asking her out when it was clear that he was going to until her friend's came up. They should have had the dude come up and ask. And they should have left it at dancing and it would have worked better. An overreaction, but that can be understood. But after she starts French kissing this guy right in front him, it's hard to have any sympathy for her at all.

You did just fine, Clarence. Now go git yo'self some hot cornbread!


She snogged a "hot" and popular guy right in front of him while they were on a date together. Then she was shocked when she met him at a party two years later and he froze her right out. It may not justify his sleeping with everything that moved (though if someone, male or female, wants to do that with totally willing partners, I see no problem with it), but concerning the two of them, she was entirely in the wrong. They went out on a date--and she humiliated him in public. Then *she* was mad at *him* for years afterward. That's some mighty screwed-up game-playing.

Also, the way she constantly criticizes him and belittles him throughout the film is really unattractive. And her trio of toxic gal pals...ugh.

Innsmouth Free Press


I agree. It was irritating that the writers introduced such a crucial plot point and then just glossed over it.
