Did I mishear something?

So today, I watched this movie for the first time, happened to catch it on TBS. When the fact that Conner's brother the groom slept with one of the bridesmaids comes out in the open, and he admits it to his (mental) bride, it sounded to me like he said, "Yes, when we first met," or something along those lines. So, sleeping with someone else before starting a relationship with someone now counts as cheating? Or did they literally start dating the day that they met? Please, someone tell me I misheard that. Never mind that I'm sure the the groom doesn't know about EVERY single person she slept with either.

"You're Cory, with Topanga's hair. You got lucky!" -Shawn Hunter


In her mind, they were already together. He said there was some debate to the timeline and it's pretty obvious that they hadn't established any exclusivity from his perspective. She was just hurt that he slept with her friend. At least McConaughey called her on it that it was unfair for her to be mad at her fiancé but not her friend.

