Officer Jay grew on me

At first I thought he was annoying but he is actually really funny the more I watch him


I'm the same way. His corniness cracks me up


I'll count your vote for gentle humor yes, then.


He's great I would say right up there with sarah.


I still say the dumbest thing about that man is his mustache.


Jay is one of my favorite characters. He is so damn lame and he loves it!



Check him out on the old Mr. Show dvds; Jay Johnston's hilarious (and rarely as "straight" as Officer Jay, usually much crazier) Plus also you get to see young Sarah, young Jack Black and so many others... do it!


Jay (and John Ennis) are the best parts of the incredible Mr. Show. Story of Story of Story of Everest, we're getting married, when he testifies for The Coupon trial, the antiquates that run into each other, the Globochem commercials, etc, etc. Wish he was in more stuff, he's great


"I always order the Silver Dollar pancakes. They make my mouth feel rich. J.D. Rockechewer!"

"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." -George McFly


He's played an officer several times, Reno 911 and Arrested Development. But Sarah Silverman Program was a great role. It doesn't get much better than Gentle Humor. Makes the gay cops adopting a baby on Arrested Development seem like a cliche by comparison.
