The 'twist' (spoilers)

How is it that some of you feel the film was ruined because the "twist" wasn't a total surprise? It's not like suddenly at the last minute they do a big reveal and immediately roll credits. I think you're looking at it all wrong. People seem to have this strange notion that all plot developments have to be sudden and senseless and completely out of left field. This wasn't a movie that was trying to trick you with some endgame twist that invalidates everything that previously happened. And you aren't some kind of film genius just because you thought things might be weird with this family. You're supposed to be suspicious. It's not supposed to be shocking and stunning and out of the blue that the family isn't what they seem. The fun is in trying to figure out, as the film unfolds in the early stages, just exactly what it is that they are up to (and who the guy in the car is). I thought the way the plot starts as When a Stranger Calls-style babysitter horror and quickly becomes something far more strange and ultimately demonic was the whole charm.

It's not like the movie ends after the revelation that Sam is a horned and evil thing. That would be a lame ending, sure. But it's not just some thing they tacked on at the end, it leads to the whole final act of the film (which was great). Too many horror films these days have no payoff. This one actually takes a typical premise and does something fun with it, and all you can do is whine? This is the reason why all we get in this genre is SAW sequels and clones. Any film that strays from the formula, plays with conventions, or god forbid taps into some more old school horror themes is met with hostility from self-congratulating amateur critics trying to pass themselves off as genre experts. Do us all a favor and leave horror to those of us who actually enjoy it.


I agree with your basic point. I think I commented the other day on one board or another that people need to put their egos up on the shelf before watching movies.

I mean, everyone thinks they are a professional movie critic I guess? Instead of just relaxing and suspending disbelief these people instead seem to spend a good part of the movie trying to see "who is the first to figure it out" as if it were a competition or something. And I totally agree when you say about the so-called "twist." Its not really a twist...I mean, they almost OVERDID it by making it far far to obvious.

But the ones that annoy me the most are the people who will watch a horror movie about demons or ghosts or "the other side" (like "the further" in Insidious) and have no problem with any of that, but then they pick a couple of small things that aren't very believable (like an abandoned hospital still having patients records laying in them) and start whining about them saying the movie wasn't being realistic. Isn't that insane? It's like, sooo, um, the ghosts and the psychic and the people who "travel" in their sleep...all that is good, but patient records in a abandoned hospital...OK SHUT IT DOWN, THE MOVIE IS OFFICIALLY HORRIBLE.

Its like, ugh. Sometimes I wonder if these people get any entertainment out of movies at all. It's like they don't know what "suspension of disbelief" actually means. I enjoyed this movie. Was it the best I had ever seen? No, not by a long sht. But was it bad? No.


I agree with you. I remember not too long ago seeing someone criticize The Lords of Salem for the same reason, because you could tell from the moment you see them that Heidi's landlord and her "sisters" are witches. As if them chanting "Satan, come to us. We are ready" in the trailer wasn't enough of a giveaway? I for one knew right away there was more to Sam and his family than met the eye. The whole family in general just acted so weird and crazy that I knew right away not to trust them. But I didn't expect Sam to be the devil himself. I was actually kind of surprised to see that he was hiding a pair of horns underneath that cowboy hat.

I think people think they're too good nowadays to simply relax and enjoy a movie. Instead, they feel they have to pick apart and analyze every specific detail and try to find "plot holes" to make themselves feel more intelligent. I've never been fond of people who watch movies just to search for flaws and what they dislike and it seems there's a lot more people like that nowadays. As if actually admitting to like something is an insult to their intelligence. I look for what I do like in movies and found a lot to enjoy in this one. Such as the story, the atmosphere, suspense, and acting (Kai Caster was great as Sam and I hope to see him in more films in the future).

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!
