A laugh track? Seriously?

I can understand having a laugh track for the regular sketches since they were filmed live, but why in the name of god do we need one for the cartoons? Do they think people are too dumb to figure out the jokes? I don't even think it's the original laugh track. It looks like they gathered up a studio audience to watch all these cartoons back to back just to get their stupid *beep* annoying laughs into the sound mix for the dvd.

It just really pisses me off.

And why do we need a "best of" anyway. It's not like there were hundreds of these cartoons. Give us the complete set you stingy bastards.

This is ****ed. No money, no weed... it's all been replaced by a pile of corpses.


Uh, no. Those are the laughs from the original airing of each cartoon. Remember the title of the show? Saturday Night Live...


I know what they are. But they are completely unnecessary since obviously they are not attached to the animation like they are to the live sketches.

It's been a while since I started this thread or watched the cartoons, but I believe the laughs carried over a few times between cartoons, hence why I thought they may have added a new laugh track. In any case, the laughs are completely unnecessary and annoying.

A black pool opened up at my feet. I dived in. It had no bottom.
