They're Back!

The original group is back and most of them look excellent, especially the blokes. The lesbian, whatever her name is, looks just the same as when she entered the house. I notice they don't put the camera on her much.

But where is JJ??? The best contestant of all is nowhere to be seen!

I am the Night Rider......i'm a fuel injected suicide machine


Rachel thats what her name is...yeh I agree she does look the the time she has been out she has only lost something like 14.2kg..thats not very good compared to the others.

They prob didnt ask JJ back as he has already been back once and he quit so..thats prob why...didnt like him much. I would like to see either Bryce or Sheridan back in the house. But I dont know if it will happen...I would love to see either Ally or Sam win...and either Sheridan or Bryce if they make it back.

Long Live Tom Felton
*Stop complaining about Helen Mccrory, she will do a fantastic job*


Yeah, unfortunately she just lacked the discipline. She's very immature for her age. I would've loved to see a total makeover on her (weight-wise and mind-wise).

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
