20% of the population?

Is it true that only 20% of the population has the same first and last name letters? Like they said in the movie, I was just wondering cuz that’s crazy cuz I have the same first and last name letters (KK) I’m glad I didn’t know about he Alphabet Murders when I was little or I think I would have freaked out!

So you want to be a real racecar driver!




Yeaaaah, 20% is a bit high and woulda invalidated the entire reason it got attention. :D

Most parents specifically avoid same letter initials, I'm sure there's some weird psycological reason why.


lol really? how do you know most parents avoid it? maybe my parents are crazy or something lol

So you want to be a real racecar driver!


The thing I thought was weird was the fact that ONLY 2% have the same first and last name initial letters but 50% of the girls in that church had their names like that. How's that even possible?
