
at the start Anthony Anderson shot that guy which caused the accident and destroyed the package. then at the end he doesn't? or were we just seeing what would have happened if he didnt shoot the other guy.


Well, see, there was this wormhole, and when the buick passed through the other side of it, they were in the mirror universe.



The movie goes to show what happens when Few tells her brothers not to do the crime. In the first part of the movie, they did this, and all the things happened. But, as we see, in the NEW Fewniverse, these things don't happen!


Well ya see, though out the movie they show clips of Fue biting the inside of her mouth and turning around to go home. Then more of the main storyline would unfold for us from the POV of each individual storyline - always leading to the end; the shroud being burned. The storyline advanced each time she bit the inside of her mouth. Finally, Fue doesn't bite and finds enlightenment. She keeps going, gets in the car and one little girl sick on candy bars changes the outcome. The shroud doesn't burn and all the events leading up to the final delivery fail to happen. Good against evil and good prevails. The power of Few,(Fue).
