Jakes Dad

After Jake tells Sina what his dad did too him a few scenes later she says to him maybe its time for you to forgive him, um the man cut a tattoo off of his arm how do you forgive that?? he was only a kid, how do you do that to your own child okay so he was a religious person who thought Jake had defiled himself I would have liked to have seen his reaction to Jake now given that his covered in tatts!!!

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"


I think the idea behind Sina telling Jake to 'forgive' his father was only to allow Jake to move on with his life more than actually forgiving his father.

Let it go.... ya know?

'Oh, I'm sorry Officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that'.



Where exactly in the movie is this?

I watched this on the IFC and I don't remember it.
