MovieChat Forums > Interstellar (2014) Discussion > 1 star move gets 9 stars = Blatant abuse...

1 star move gets 9 stars = Blatant abuse of IMDB rating system

How did this obviously terrible movie manage to get such high reviews. You know something is off with the reviews because no one in their right mind would consider this anything but a 6 star movie at best.

I would love to know what shoddy PR company manage to pull off this feat.


Seems you chose the blue pill instead of the red! At least I think it's how it worked in the Matrix. lol it's been a while!


"The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular culture symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)."

Goes either way, depending on what you were trying to imply. A crazy paranoid conspiracy obsessed nut-bar would probably take the red pill, which most like what you wanted to say.

Matrix IMDB = 8.7/10
Interstellar IMDB = 8.6/10

It would be crazy to imagine that these two movies could possibly have pretty well the same ratings according to IMDB.

I will stick to my red pill.


Oops the red pill it is then! It's been years since I've seen Matrix but it does seem even professional critics are delusional as of late.


Wow SuperNewbee, you are so eyes are blinded by your brilliance. It's okay. I understand that you are smarter than everyone else, your ideas are unique and superior to the rest of us plugged-in folk. You are a God among humans. One day they will study your brain in hopes of capturing a glimpse into your perfect mind. You don't have to take the red pill. You are the red pill. Stop stripping on the weekends to buy your 20th Anniversary There Is No Spoon Edition of The Matrix Trilogy on Blu Ray3 to the nth, slated for release Christmas 2019. If you pre-order now, you will receive a red pill can cozy free of charge. Damn fanboys. Interstellar was not perfect by any means, but it was creative and had viable themes in it. You know, like the Earth dying, the advantages of living in a wormhole and the idea that someday, many, many years from now, long after people have forgotten about the #$%*&@ Matrix, humankind may have to seek out a new place to live. Interstellar will be retro by then and everyone will say, "Holy ish! If they knew this could possibly happen, why didn't they start doing something about it then?" But hey, I'm a Duracell, what do I know? I'm gonna eat my blue pill because ignorance really is bliss........that and it's the only way I can get back the last seven and a half minutes.

You're a shining star
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you could truly be


"Viable themes"???
Please enlighten us - which viable themes? The inexplicable blight that destroyed all the food at once, including fish in the sea, and so on? Or the fact that NASA happened to have a secret facility in main character's backyard (practically)? Or that they were building a secret space shuttle (or whatever exact type of rocket powered vehicle...) literally yards away from NASA meeting room, where rocket blast would turn everything into cinder in a split second? Or the fact that they decided that it was somehow easier to build another Earth out of nothing in space ,than to make the Earth they have - habitable?

Wow, to say that themes in this film were "viable" raises "reaching" to a whole new level...


You don't seem very bright. I'll give you one example how "small" things can destroy entire ecosystems: the present problem the world is having with bees. With bees decline pollination becomes a problem. With so many flora depending on it, that becomes a problem since many other beings depend on that ecosystem, and so on and so forth. Hence Australia has so many restrictions to animal and flora imports.

Although such scenario is unlikely it is not by any means impossible or implausible.

And regarding NASA, did you notice that the problem started more than a decade before? They had plenty of time to prepare and a lot of less people to think about since it's implied throughout the movie that in the early signs of the blight countries went on a cleansing to try to reduce the worlds population (Professor Brand even says he refused to do so himself when ordered). And the building itself wasn't a construction yard or assembly line or launch ramp, it was the vessel itself. Problem is, it can't be jet propulsion or any type of fuel, it has to be gravity itself that makes it lift off and propel. Hence the need to solve the physics behind it and why the data from the black hole are so important.

And making earth habitable? Sure, if we disregard the first paragraph and they haven't tried it already. It's easier to get artificial gravity (even by not so "advanced" means like a centrifugal force on a space station spinning around its axis) than to terraform or "re engineer" the planet. But that's not what they are after.
They can't save the planet, and they can't create and launch space stations suitable for life, they need gravity (to lift off, to propel, to maintain atmosphere so much needed for life, keep in mind that we know how to provide artificial gravity - in theory, we have never studied long term effects and to minimize Coriolis Effect the ISS would have to be way bigger, plus it would need lots of energy to start it spinning or stop it - but we still need to restock the space station, from Earth, once in a while), so they have plan A: solve the physics behind manipulating gravity. There's also plan B, a genetic ark to repopulate a suitable planet if plan A is a no-go.

There's a lot of things you could pick on the movie for, but not one of those you mention are it.


Matrix analogy fail.

Matrix was a good movie. It was entertaining as hell and it hinted at some deeper meaning to reality -- or at least the shadow of a deeper meaning.

Wachowskis understood that (likely from personal experience) and as a meditator and intellectual, I understand it.

Interstellar is not The Matrix.

It's a pretentious mess with dozens of plot holes, shoddy and cliched dialogue (Nolan and his bro wrote it), a plodding story, and some of the silliest casting decisions in the history of A-list actor-filled films.

Watch Ex Machina if you want a good sci-fi film that delves into consciousness and philosophy of mind.

Interstellar treats the viewers like they're idiots with Nolan acting like he knows everything because "black holes MANG!". I agree with some of the discussion regarding gravity as appearing as the weakest force in three dimensions due to multidimensional characteristics, but almost everything else was basic wormhole shenanigans or tropish pondering.

Let's smash Dylan Thomas' beautiful "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" into your face a dozen times at the most sentimental of moments and call it genius!

The movie was barely entertaining and all the A-list casting in the world couldn't make the dialogue any less hammy or the message any less forceful.

Is Nolan the new M. Night?



Because it deserves its rating. You mad?


No way. It is a PoS.

A space ship is torn apart by the incredible gravitational forces of the "black hole" and he manages to survive in his space suit (without being torn apart) despite the space suit being less sturdy than his ship which has just been destroyed...

So people who swallow that rubbish are more intelligent than those who do not? Yeah right...

Oh and then to just make it even more absurd, the miracle surviving man than manipulates a man made construct "inside" the black hole. /facepalm

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


With all due respect, your too stupid to understand a complex message and plot. Watch simpler movies and you'll be OK.


Lol. Yea Harry Potter has better and realistic dialogues than this "sci-if" feels like 10 years olds wrote it. U are more retarded than the person you accused of . If u think this piece of *beep* is complex in any way, u are very sad indeed. No wonder trump is leading the presidency...


Reading your comment I feel you are the 10 year old.

“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.”


Lol. Yea Harry Potter has better and realistic dialogues than this "sci-if" feels like 10 years olds wrote it. U are more retarded than the person you accused of . If u think this piece of *beep* is complex in any way, u are very sad indeed. No wonder trump is leading the presidency...

I was going to rip apart your spelling and grammar but I think I'll just copy and paste and be on my way.


"With all due respect, your too stupid to understand a complex message and plot. Watch simpler movies and you'll be OK."

lol? Or no lol?

It's honestly hard to tell if this is just another one of the complete and utter fools on nearly every thread, who has the mind of a child, and who repeats the same comical and tired "you just didn't get it" line which has come from legions of equally child-minded buffoons before,


If he's poking fun at the typical fools on every thread, who have the mind of a child, who repeat the same comical and tired "you just didn't get it" line which has come from legions of equally child-minded buffoons before.

Flip a coin.

Regardless, and with all due respect, "your" too stupid to understand the difference between your and you're? Kinda silly in a post mocking the intellect of others, eh?

Leave simpler posts, and you'll be OK.


Regardless, and with all due respect, "your" too stupid to understand the difference between your and you're?
I know yer convinced that yer ability to delineate this difference is a feat of stunning intellectual prowess, but if you were truly brilliant, you'd understand the actual nature of this type of mistake and why is doesn't represent stupidity. Of course, some children need to find any available way of insulting others while cowering behind a cyberspace barrier.

BTW, this movie was OK, but not "the greatest movie ever made" or other such Nolan fan-tween generated hyperbole


You clearly don't get how opinions work. You clearly don't know how ratings and basic statistics work either.

My Personal Top 30 TV Shows


If you don't know how rating system works, than there is no way you could have understood this movie. it takes a "click" on the Review count below the ratings to know how the rating system work. only an OBVIOUSLY STUPID person can miss that.

Here, let me do the math for you

ever heard the word "ARITHMETIC MEAN"?

This is how it works: (it took me 2 minutes to work it out on Excel)

rating--average--Stars--avg x Stars


No way it's a one star movie, it deserves 2-3 at least.

Yes, it's an incoherent piece of junk.


Agreed. You can actually do a kind of psychological/sociology study just by reading the comments on this site. An awful movie with an overall IMDb rating of 8.6 (as of early 2016). How can that be..? Answer: lots of dumb-dumbs, plus a smaller percentage of other folks who are desperate for good science fiction. (like me, but I still give this only one star.)

My rating: ONE STAR. It's inane, insulting, nonsensical, physics-defying junk.


Of course, anyone with a different opinion than yours is stupid...

Sorry, but you are the extreme minority if you gave this movie one star.

It's obvious that if they made this movie the way you would have, it would have been a box-office disaster and everyone would have hated it.

Your name calling cannot hide what is obvious from your posts.


no one in their right mind would consider this anything but a 6 star movie


That's exactly what I rated it 



High five!

Nolanites make me want to give it a 1, but I'm trying to be objective here.


Yeah, look, I 'enjoyed' the movie for what it was, then (as I do with most movies) cane in to chat about it. The way this was being spoken about (esp. the science side of it) really frustrated me. I was starting to think Nolan had kidnapped 1000 firstborns with threats of dismemberment if it wasn't spoken of as the greatest show on earth.

I liked it, and in many ways I'm a fan of Nolan. I loved Inception and ABSOLUTELY loved 'The Dark Knight' (esp my countryman, Heath Ledger's performance), but for crying out loud this movie is FAR from perfect... the ONLY way a movie can get a 10 IMHO.

Personally, I think the dramatically high rating is because so many unreasonable people are not being compensated for by the likes of you and I. Maybe we SHOULD rate it a 1 ?


Fanboys dropped my rating from 6 to 4. I am not as durable as you :(

I'll leave when I am good and ready.


Is it possible that the movie's fine but you just didn't like it?


It's definitely not a 1, but it's equally not a 10... especially if you subscribe to thr 'science is perfect' perspective.
