
Most boring dialogue ever caught on video why in the hell would anyone think people would want to watch it in a movie. So slow and boring how do reviewers even give this a 6


Slow and boring !? That's why Michael bay makes films for people like you.


LMAO nerd did me not liking what you like anger you straight nerds


Just don't do anything stupid during the dark winter months. Trust me, these feelings of depression will pass. When spring comes, you will see promise in the world. Hang in there. I understand what you're going through.


LMAO nerds like you get mad when people don't like what you like.how do you function daily in society or do you spend life inline in forums getting mad at people who don't like what you like LMAO


This movie is awesome


Surprised you know how to use a computer. Movies like this are for intelligent people. Luckily, Disney are around to keep you entertained.


Says the girl who rated Captain America Civil War a 9 - Disney Movie by the way.

it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again



You know whenever you hear someone say 'this is for intelligent people' they aren't very intelligent.


Like you and your retarded family. Go back to animations you stupid *beep*.


Case in point


One of the worst big budget science fiction movies ever made. Reminds me of Prometheus.

But hey, what do you expect from people like Nolan or Zimmer, with their McMovies and McSoundtracks?

I'm just on my way up to Clavius.


Film criticism is subjective, so even if I disagree with you about Interstellar being slow and boring --and I do-- I understand that that's a valid opinion. Where you lose me is when you start to confuse your valid opinion with objective fact and dismiss other people's' valid opinions. You can't see how anybody thought anyone would want to watch this movie? Look at the worldwide totals; a LOT of people wanted to see this movie.
