Halloweentown 5 Poll

Okay, for arguments sake, let's say all the rumours are true and there really will be a fifth movie (eagerly hoping :D). Of all the character that have been introduced in the previous four movies, who would you like to see appear -- in either a small or larger capacity?

Also, what sort of storyline would you like to see happen?

..........if you can't tell, I'm bored and thought this might be a lively discussion.

It's fun being naughty.


and its sooooo sad that the tradition of putting a new halloweentown out every halloween is gonna be broken this year! i am SO SAD! like you dont even know

P.S. Lucas is NOT gay!! He has a girlfriend!! Like that's sooo stupid for anyone to think that. I actually had a HUGE crush on him when I saw High School Musical 2!! I'm not gonna lie.


I think it would be interesting to see what they could come up with...

also, so because you had a crush on him makes him not gay?

And so what if he is? There isn't anything wrong with gay people...


i had just got done watching return to halloweentown because i love all of the halloweentown movies..

and i just got imdb to make a board about halloweentown 5.. so thats weird..

so i definately want lucas in it!
but i wanna see kimberly j. brown back as marnie..
and debbie reynolds, judith hoag, j. paul, and emily roeske.. pretty much the whole family..


I want Kim J. Brown back as marnie and Debie Renoylds back in more than a cameo role. Sorry to Sophie fans but the actress who played her has retired from acting.


There's supposed to be a 5th one. However it won't be till 2009 as someone said. Kimberly J. Brown is allegedly coming back to play Marnie. However for the people who think a Halloweentown movie came out every year it was actually every 3 years. 1998 (first one), 2001(second), 2004(third), and the only exception is the fourth that came out in 2006.



the past villains can't team up they're all dead/powerless/imprisoned/exiled/whatever. except kal. he escaped he should deffinitely come back to wrap that up. sophie should come back too. idc if she retired they should beg on their knees. also i don't think they should've even made a halloweentown 4 if they couldn't get kimberly j brown back as marnie. it drives me nuts that they suddenly replaced the main character with a different actress. some of the actors may be getting a little old to keep making 7 movies though. if they have to start pretending they're like 15 years younger than they actually are it might not work that well. also i think luke should come back bc he was like her best friend in halloweentown for the first 2 movies then he dropped off the face of the universe.
