Halloweentown V????!

Is it a go or not? lol.


"Halloweentown 5 will be the follow up and it will be called Halloweentown: She's the Witch. It will appeard on Disney Channel October 2008. The series may continue until the seventh film. "


So we will get a new one next year if there are still planning it
After watching the retrun to halloween town i think it was better than last ones.


Omg! I am soo excited! I just love the Halloweentown films! The first one came out when i was like 5, so the last one (if it goes to 7) , i might me like 16 or 17.
I can't wait to find out how the new plot will go!

Today is yesterday's tommorow


I always check the Halloweentown file at Wikipedia. The new one should be called the Orgin of Halloweentown. Its in-acessible. Its scheduled to be realeased in 2008. And when I acessed characters, its said that KJB is unknow to be in this movie or not, lets wait till' we here more. Twtiches Too wasnt a go until 2 months after it was shot.

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Too bad October is almost over, Halloween is nearing, and they haven't even advertised it yet.

Plus if Sara Paxton plays Marnie again, I'm not watching it. Not only was she bad (though the bad acting seemed to end ((kinda)) by the third movie), but blue eyes? When did that happen? Bad choice.


Amsyy le Savage


When will it come out?? We are sick of waiting.


disney hist sad any thang about halloweentown 5


so theres not one?


no not this year maybe next year in 2009.


well that sucks


yes it sucks big time now we will have to wait to see what happens to the gift and if kal comes back.


i hope they make it so "the gift" turns dylan evil and than the cromwell girls have to bring dylan back to good....and i really hope it comes out soon its already july 2008.....


thats a greet idea call disney with that idea.


The 5th one needs to resolve the Kal storyline. I'd prefer that over Dilan going evil. Unless they can combine two, no. That way, we can have a perfect trilogy and forget 3 and 4.


thats a good idea too have kal come back and have him try to get the gift from dylan and gets dylan to go evil and his mom and sisters have to bring him back to good now that wed be cool.


Halloweentown 5: She's The Witch is not actually the title. It's "Halloweentown V: Origins" we see Marnie graduating college along with Dylan. Sophie comes back and gets her hands on the gift. Kal returns. That's all I'm going to say.


when is halloweentown 5 going to come out.


Halloweentown 5: She's The Witch is not actually the title. It's "Halloweentown V: Origins" we see Marnie graduating college along with Dylan. Sophie comes back and gets her hands on the gift. Kal returns. That's all I'm going to say.

Wishful thinking... Not necessarily true.


I hope that happens. I would just like to imagine that 3 & 4 didn't happen. 1 & 2 set up this story, then 3 came out & did a complete 180 dropping the story line. WHY!?!?!


there wasno story line, kal just happen to be the main bad guy in the first two. it gets lame, especialy for a tv movie series. halloweentown high was fine entry for the series, especialy since it still had a good majority of the original characters. 4 was just such a big let down bcause of no kim brown, i can't really give a fair review just cause of that and I don't think any other true fan of the series can either.


same here..kal is not neccesary be in every hallowen movies that would makes them the same good witch vs bad witch thingy..i think 3-4 has a very good storyline..but id prefer kjb as marnie..sara paxton wasnt bad in ht4 but shes just way different looking..


I don't remember Dylan ever using his powers. If he gained powers from the Gift, wouldn't he be able to deduce that his new powers were fake?


Dylan uses his powers in the first movie (to defeat Kalabar), the second (To Open the portal & creature spell), & the fourth (to speed read).

Save Terminator:SCC!!
