'Luke + Ethan' theory...

I know that there were rumors about Luke being RtH but ended up not being in it. Is there are a chance That ETHAN'S role was originally written as LUKE'S? With come script alterations I could see it being Luke's role. After HSM garnered the success that it did what are the odds that Disney tried to bank off it by putting Ethan in this movie after being HH?

I think I'm going to ask Judith Hoag about this...

Save Terminator:SCC!!


That would've been interesting. I really liked Luke. Shame Philip Van Dyke didn't return for the third and fourth film. Luke and Marie would've made a good couple.


I just with we could know if their will another one!! I get so depressed thinking about it. I know I sound like I'm 3 but Halloweentown I & II are my favorite movies...

Save Terminator:SCC!!


Hey, I'm with you! I'm 19 and I still watch these movies when I see that they're on. Not the third and fourth film cause they just weren't the same as the first two for me, but definitely love to still watch them.

Can you explain your theory further?


There isn't really much more to it but before the movie came out people were talking about Luke being in the movie with NO talk about Ethan. It just seems suspicious. Especially because Marnie had NO reason to like him after HH but they were all BFF in RtH. It just seemed odd, kind of like it wasn't written for Ethan.

Save Terminator:SCC!!


Huh. Wonder why they changed the storyline then.


Maybe because KJB wasn't in it? =/

Will Scarlett has stolen my heart.


No. They knew they would get more rating having Lucas in it over Phillip Van Dyke.

Save Terminator:SCC!!


i woulda rather had phillip van dyke in it than lucas. but i still think it was because of the change in actresses. they wouldn't have had lucas if kjb was still on the project.

Will Scarlett has stolen my heart.


I don't think so. KJB has worked with Lucas.

Save Terminator:SCC!!


They wouldn't look right together, and it wouldn't/didn't/doesn't make sense to have put Ethan in that situation. Marnie had little romantic connection to Ethan in the third movie.

Will Scarlett has stolen my heart.
