The Voice of God?

When we saw the movie (neither my wife or I read the book), we assumed the voice was the voice of God... now I here read in IMDB that it was the "Voice of the Angel of Death" ...
WHat is the difference???, ...doesn't God allegedly decide when we die??? Or we do not attribute any un-pleasant actions like death to God?


The angel of death, grim reaper, etc., is not the same entity as "God".

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I get that it is supposed to be a separate and different entity ...
My point was that one can argue that it is all happening under God's watch ...


one can argue that the producer of this movie is an atheist as that voice was not that of God but that of the grim reaper who is a sadistic version of death.


The narrator is Death. He never says that name, but that's probably because the scriptwriter thought people are clever enough to guess and it doesn't have to be made that obvious.

Death is not sadistic nor does he make decisions about people's fate. In the book and in the movie he is just doing his job. And it's because of the war that he gets a chance to know more of someone's life story (Liesel was a witness to many deaths and that's when Death had time to look at her and her diary).

I think both religious people and atheists agree that for death everyone is equal, everyone who lives in this world dies in this world.

-> Achievement unlocked


This is one of these age-old debates. In movies there are hundreds of fictional characters, some of which are related to Christianity, because that is what most movie-goers know.

The debate is a theological one and very simple: there can be only one Character, which is God, since God decides all fate and is omnipotent. So if God is omnipotent he also controls the devil. Apparently, the devil exists (ahem in movie scripts) so that means God lets the devil do all his evil things.

The Angel of Death, Father Time, Dumbledore, Voldemort, they are all there as puppets of God, and have no real power. Which of course they would in an atheistic world view (ahem movie script). But as long as an omnipotent God is floating around the other characters are pawns.


You both weren't paying attention closely enough. It's clear that it's the voice of Death if you actually pay attention to what it is saying. It has nothing to do with "God" or what actions "God" does.


Exactly - it does make me wonder what some people are doing when they watch a movie and miss these things.

I'm sure that several times it's explicity stated that it's Death.

A bit more sublte a few times he was speaking about visiting people (i.e. taking their souls or whatever)and that was before the scene with the results of the bombing.


you are correct and my big problem with this movie. I enjoyed every part except that of the Grim reaper which seemed to somehow take enjoyment out of the death throughout the movie.....Nothing about that says God


er......what? I don't recall how God seeks pleasure in killing others...
I assume you were referring it to death?

Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade.


This was not Gods voice but the voice of the Grim reaper....Those that do not believe in god have to make this up or else their existence doesn't make sense to them. Much like in the movie Meet Joe Black....I think it was even the same voice...


The reality of life is that yes God is ultimately in charge, but the way the producer of this movie portrays the grim reaper is as if there is pleasure in the taking of life....Not at all the way death is in my opinion. But this movie maker is entitled to take the dark side of death...I chose the light side of death.


In the book,note that i have yet to see this film. Death says that for him it is onky a job he always end up looking at the colours on earth and he sometimes waits to long and sees a happy or painful moment. Death also says he hates the war because it is like a new strict boss demanding the impossible. If he in the movie seems to enjoy it, that would be very strange
