MovieChat Forums > The Book Thief (2013) Discussion > Rudy terrible soccer skills

Rudy terrible soccer skills

For a kid who supposedly played soccer "all the time", the kid could not kick a soccer ball to save his life!
His kicking was so cumbersome and typical of someone who is "pushing" the ball (not kicking) with their feet for the first time.
OBVIOUSLY the movie is not about this and this is relatively un-important but it just shows some poor attention to detail when they could have had the boy practice a TINY bit and seem more believable...


I am sure it had a huge impact on the movie.

"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."


I did say it is not important ...
But after watching series like Breaking Bad where they pay attention to details, I found it interesting how little detail the director pays to things like this!


It was very detailed and realistic... German's play dull and static soccer. But veryefeffective. ;)


pft... we have Götze.


The downfall of the movie for sure.

For my latest movie reviews and news:


AGAIN, I get that it is not a big deal at all ... and your line was funny ..
I am just saying that it reminds me that this is an actor supposed to be a boy who slept with his soccer ball at night (like I did as a kid) ... it is a reminder that this is not real ... i.e. it is a wasted chance for the director to pay attention to detail ...
and yes, I realize I am the only person in this planet who probably noticed.


You slept with your soccer ball? Combined with the fact that you're the only one that noticed or paid any attention to Rudy's soccer skills... I think I have to diagnose you with some kind of severe soccer-fetish. ;)


Did you see how the ball bounced in the very first scene that they show Rudy? Clearly his ball is seriously lop sided, and he plays with regular shoes!


Lisel wasn't bad though - scored a good goal and went flying into a two-footed tackle.

Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!


It's called football.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.


Can't take seriously a guy who is evaluating a boy's "soccer" skills. If you were any good you would know it's football not soccer.


Dude, I have to say that I noticed too. I played varsity soccer in high school and a bit in college so I am afraid I just noticed. I figured that it was because of his age but the shoes were probably throwing him off too.

"That's the trouble with you readers. You know all the plots." (Sunset Blvd.)
